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 Post subject: [Hum Mer][HMR][KPR] Rall, Commander of Morea
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:19 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:43 am
Posts: 5614
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
SK Character: Pilnor, Surrit, Berr, Rall
I really enjoyed playing Rall, but my interest in SK has dwindled pretty low: Not because of the leadership, I actually enjoyed that. More so that there are simply other things I'd rather spend my time doing. The primary thing that made me want to roll Rall after Berr was the RP, and I really liked it: But even that now has proven to require more time than I can truly dedicate, and because of that it's time I take a step back from a position in the spotlight of SK: And it's definitely time to take a step back from time-intensive characters like mercs.

Rall was born, like so many of my characters that I typically don't put a lot of backstory effort into, in the fields of Taslamar as a farmer. Rall's father was a skilled fighter, having had spent his time in the Peacekeepers' service himself. He learned from his family the importance of safeguarding those who are unable to protect themselves, and was instilled with the desire to stand in the gap between evil and good. As a young man he decided to make his way in the world, learning to fight in the defense of Taslamar and others, though he was never particularly dead-set on joining up with either the Hammer or Peacekeepers. Not being from a large city himself, he wasn't too trusting of bureaucracy.

I was to try and sum up Rall in one word, I would say "protective." He took great pride in making others safe, and was always pained whenever someone got hurt on account of him, especially if it was something he felt he should have been able to save them from. He was, unfortunately, also rather brash, and his sharp tongue typically had a way of getting himself in more trouble than if he'd just kept it shut. He was never one to keep his opinions to himself, preferring instead to air his complaints to anyone who offended him. I particularly enjoyed that aspect of playing him, even though it often ended up in him exchanging harsh words with friends, foes and totally neutral parties alike.

Rall went through a few characters arcs, primarily joining the Hammer, serving under Truvery briefly, then shortly after in the absence of a leader getting the chance to pal around with Mikale, followed by Mikale being Commander briefly, then after Mikale was gone, he took up the reins in the absence of others. He specifically avoided joining the Peacekeepers for two reasons: He didn't like being subject to another leader who may prevent him from doing what he thought was right, and he also felt that Exile wasn't being often attacked, and as a Hammer member he didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to Taslamar. Not long before Rall became the Commander of Morea, however, war broke out with the Druids, at which point he instantly applied and joined the guard.

There were a lot of things I really liked about Rall, and so I appreciate getting the chance to share him with you all. Despite the fact that I don't get along with a small group of players who were also at odds with me IC towards his latter years, I actually really enjoyed the conflict RP with the Druids that was generated. I thought it was a very fitting way for the character styles to play out, and loved almost every minute of it. It's the only time in SK that I can recall feeling appropriate to surrender and actually working at playing it out, and I would have done so if it wasn't for other IC reasons preventing Rall from that course of action. I also really enjoyed my stint as the Crusading Planeswalker.

Special thanks to:
Mikale, for being my kindred spirit. I swear Rall and Mikale were the same person, and I missed you the most when you stopped coming around.
Caranthir, for constantly making me feel inferior.
Ashituri, for always being up for a trip, and for consistently proving Rall right whenever he prophesied that you were going to get people killed.
Khalim, for feeling bad for me and being the only PC kill Rall landed.
Mayra, for being such a true neutral.
Bryce, for being the best sarcastic paladin money could buy.
Jylina, for being such a constant presence, for always giving Rall someone to feel good about protecting, and for having nice legs.

I don't intend to stop playing SK, but the game's simply so different and less enticing for me than it used to be. Thank you all for the time you invested in the game to make it better.

Amateur   - spear              (mastered)    axe                (very good)   
            dagger             (mastered)    flail              (very good)   
            mace               (very good)   polearm            (superb)     
            siegecraft         (superb)      sling              (superb)     
            staff              (very good)   sword              (mastered)   
            whip               (superb)      bash               (mastered)   
            enhanced damage    (mastered)    parry              (mastered)   
            rescue             (superb)      shield block       (mastered)   
            swim               (superb)      taslamaran tongue  (mastered)   
            uxmaln tongue      (mastered)    zhensh tongue      (mastered)   
            empire tongue      (superb)      aghelian tongue    (superb)     
            sylvan tongue      (mastered)    firmyrn tongue     (mastered)   
            deep tongue        (superb)      taslamaran writing (mastered)   
            uxmaln writing     (superb)      zhensh writing     (superb)     
            empire writing     (superb)      aghelian writing   (mastered)   
            sylvan writing     (superb)      firmyrn writing    (mastered)   
            deep writing       (superb)
Novice    - dirt kicking       (mastered)    self defense       (mastered)   
            second attack      (mastered)    fast healing       (superb)     
Initiate  - crossbow           (mastered)    disarm             (mastered)   
            kick               (mastered)    retreat            (mastered)   
Apprentice- brawling           (superb)      dodge              (mastered)   
            trip               (mastered)    third attack       (mastered)   
Journeyman- rallying cry       (mastered)    specialize         (mastered)   
            endurance          (mastered)    haggle             (mastered)   
            xxxxxxxxxxxx       (mastered)   
Veteran   - bow                (superb)      enhanced parry     (mastered)   
Expert    - xxxxxx             (very good)   fourth attack      (mastered)   
            leadership         (very good)   
Mentor    - blitzkrieg         (superb)      skirmish           (superb)     

[HP:100%] [ME:161%] [PE:100%]

 o [Attributes] Rall, Commander of Morea                                     o
 o    Status: Grand Master(1)   Race: Human            Class: Mercenary      o
 o       Age: 54                 Sex: Male              Size: Medium         o
 o Alignment: Principled   Handiness: Right handed  Religion: Pantheist      o
 o      Born: Nature 7, 1398                        Birthday: 194 days       o
 o       STR: Titanic            INT: Smart              WIS: Clever         o
 o       DEX: Nimble             CON: Durable            CHA: Sociable       o
 o Carrying capacity: 19 items with a maximum weight of 425.0 pounds.        o

[HP:100%] [ME:161%] [PE:100%]
> score

 o [Scores] Rall, Commander of Morea                                         o
 o    Status: Grand Master(1)   Race: Human            Class: Mercenary      o
 o   Kingdom: Taslamar      Religion: Pantheist                              o
 o     Cabal: Hammer of Light (Member)                                       o
 o  Tribunal: The Peacekeepers (Member)                                      o
 o     Coins: zero                                                           o
 o  Carrying: 0/19 items                    Load: -0.0/425.0 pounds          o
 o    Health: Excellent       Mental: ?             Physical: Fresh          o
 o Attribute points: 2        Wimpy:   0 percent    Mode: Kill/aggressive    o
 o You are standing.                                                         o
 o You have earned 24 loyalty tokens with this character.                    o
 o You can spend 110 loyalty tokens for this character.                      o
 o You have 134 unspent loyalty tokens in total.                             o
 o You are very close to half-way to the next level.                         o
 o You have played 304 hour(s) so far.                                       o

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 Post subject: Re: [Hum Mer][HMR][KPR] Rall, Commander of Morea
PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 4:58 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:11 am
Posts: 30
Jylina enjoyed her time with Rall and their banter and that he always tried to respect her need to remain neutral. While attempts were made to have her join up groups politically, she deeply appreciated that he respected her enough to honour her choices.

OOCly, thanks for taking her on those trips and always inviting her to explore and go out. She learned a great deal about healing the group and what her skills could really do.

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