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 Post subject: Aly'ra
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:46 pm 

Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2002 6:36 pm
Posts: 59
Location: California
Aly'ra was born in Sith'a'neil, where until age 6 she lived happily. During an attack by some Imperial thugs she and her parents were taken captive and sold into slavery. She was purchased by a half-deep-elven mage that kept her hidden from the world.

He used her mostly for experimentation, in an attempt to create a stronger, more permanant form of charm. The arcane rune tattooed on her neck was not one rune, but made up of hundreds of tiny runes, various enchantments he placed on her over the years. In the end, shortly before he died, he was successful in his research. Unfortunately he did not live to teach his technique to others.

The result of the success was that Aly'ra was completely bonded to him, much like sprites bond, except in her eyes he could do no wrong. Whenever she spoke of him, he was the greatest man in the world, despite the cruelty he directed at her; forcing her to fight dogs for fun. Even when these subjects would come up, she would defend him, saying it was to make her stronger or that she deserved it. On his death she was shattered. She was allowed to return to her home, but never did learn what had happened to her parents.

The runes had a second side effect, from previous experiments. She had become very docile. She would always show formal respect to others even those of dark intent, and remained extremely fearful of deep-elves. Living in the empire most of her childhood, she did come into contact with them from time to time as guests to her master's house. She learned to fear them so much so that she would do anything rather than invoke their wrath.

She had a reoccuring dream of a giant praying mantise that would slay her and send her to a dark place in the river. She begged a priest of light to return her, only to be spat on by the priest and sent back to the river. She didn't understand the dream, and felt that she had been cursed in some way.

She happened by chance (and yes, it was chance) to encounter a deep-elven sorceress with a fondness of enslaving and torturing elves. This sorceress could not resist Aly'ra's docile nature and claimed her as hers. Aly'ra felt helpless, but complied with the deep-elf when the deep-elf threatened to hurt her friends.

In the deep-elf's hands she not only was forced to endure terrible tortures, but was also forced to commit torture. A deep-elf rogue assassin offered to help her escape the woman's clutches, and seeing as nobody else offered aid, she reluctantly accepted. They set a trap for her and the rogue showed Aly'ra new and gruesome forms of torture, and forced her to participate in torturing the deep-elf. Aly'ra began to lose her mind. She enjoyed torturing the deep-elf, even though the torture she felt no living thing, not even a deep-elf deserved. She was falling into Sadr's grasp.

She went to the Hammer of Light for help. She told a priest who was part of the leadership her delemma. His reply was indifferent. He was more concerned about a ring the deep-elf had and how her obsession with Aly'ra would be her undoing. Aly'ra took this to mean that she had to stay with the deep-elf until they were ready to move. So being docile as she was, she complied, and was punished by an angel of truth for allowing the deep-elf to touch her. The deep-elf was slain by the angel and Aly'ra grabbed the ring, and turned it over to a centaur priestess, instructing her to get it to the hammer of light. Again, Aly'ra was punished by the deep-elf.

The deep-elf vanished, but Aly'ra was not free of her guilt, or her disappointment that the god of truth could not see the truth of her situation. Her heart began to darken and without anyone to see her though this, she died.

I want to thank Ealuriel for her great RP in this. I know some of you were speculating that something else was going on, so shame on you, you dirty minded.... Oh, that's impolite! I also want to thank those of you who helped out in this, you know who you are. I want to thank the Imms for getting involved in this obvious violation of the emnity rule. You made it much more enjoyable! (I really do mean that too, no sarcasm intented.)

Anyways, like I said in Kimi's obituary, I'm done playing.

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 Post subject: Re: Aly'ra
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:08 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:01 pm
Posts: 3527
Location: I'm in a glass case of emotion!
SK Character: Retired Troll
fxartyst wrote:
In the deep-elf's hands she not only was forced to endure terrible tortures, but was also forced to commit torture. A deep-elf rogue assassin offered to help her escape the woman's clutches, and seeing as nobody else offered aid, she reluctantly accepted.

I thought I did this. I'm human. :(
Only saw a little of this one but enjoyed the one or two interactions a lot. Good stuff.

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 Post subject: Re: Aly'ra
PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:07 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:01 pm
Posts: 3527
Location: I'm in a glass case of emotion!
SK Character: Retired Troll
fxartyst wrote:
They set a trap for her and the rogue showed Aly'ra new and gruesome forms of torture, and forced her to participate in torturing the deep-elf.

For the record, -I- set the trap. Ealuriel totally didn't see that coming. One more reason I am awesome.

say Hey, Alyra, would you test my enchantments? Try to charm me.
Alyra says Um, okay.
tell alyra Okay, actually cast it on Ealuriel until it lands.
Alyra tells you 'Won't she realize I'm casting it at her instead of you?'
tell alyra Haha, no, it won't even start combat because charm is cool like that.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:19 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:41 am
Posts: 2596
Location: Witness Protection
SK Character: Cyndane - Talys

Great character and well played. You have to come back sometime! :wink:

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