Hmmm, I haven't played SK in a while, so I don't know this character, or player, but I can see where the frustration comes from. My last character was a Peacekeeper, and leader, and it's very frustrating to be the only one around. Not that we didn't have other characters in the roster, just that they didn't log in all too often. We had about 6 or so characters, most of which at a decent level, but they were rarely around during peak levels. Hell, I actually ended up changing my sleep schedule just so that I could, occassionally, see another Peacekeeper online. But even though I got PK'd into the dirt, and the entire experience of leadership ended up being miserable, I agree with Ardith. Peacekeepers don't need a buff, any more than the tribunals themselves do. As a Peacekeeper, you have access to some of the best law NPCs in the game and, even better, some excellent buffing spells.
Overall, the Peacekeepers themselves, as a tribunal, isn't the problem. The problem is a lack of membership. But there's not much that can be done about that, aside from inviting new people to join the MUD and hoping they'll take an interest in the tribunal.
While I can't blame you for deleting the character(I did so with Eyrios, after all), I would discourage you from quitting the MUD altogether over one failed concept. Give it some time, and maybe you'll decide you want to return. We all get drained every now and then.