While I have no insight on the particulars of this situation or the character, I would like to comment on your attitudes as a whole. You've complained quite constantly about the quality of the playerbase in SK ever since you started, but as several others have noted, the majority of your problem lies within your unrealistic expectations. This is not a single-player RPG, and the characters you interact with are under no mandate to respond as you desire. Whining about people not playing fair gets you nowhere.
While there may be truth in the common accusation that SK's PK lacks depth while simultaneously being intensely frustrating, the solution is not to stamp your feet and talk at people, waiting for a sympathizer to come along. If you don't like the way SK's mechanics dictate the game, then for [REDACTED]'s sake, don't play the game. This is, by my count, (though I've been gone a while) the third time you've quit in a huff. Either learn to deal with SK's eccentricities, or save yourself the frustration and move on.
TL;DR: Playing a stupid character doesn't mean you can't be smart about how you play.