Shattered Kingdoms

Magma spray and ignoring MP
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Author:  Edoras [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Magma spray and ignoring MP

Hey, since MP is less accessible now and magma spray is much more effective due to the recent code change, why not have magma actually take MP into account? It's pretty normal for a caster to get one shotted by a magma cling, and most other PCs will get 2 shotted if both (or one) saves fail. It also makes centaurs unplayable, although I can't say that my suggested change would help a whole lot in that regard.

Why not have magma spray take MP into account again? It does some pretty wack damage to ignore it.

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magma spray and ignoring MP

Your request is uncalled for, and on behalf of all the players, I ask that you apologize.

Author:  jreid_1985 [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magma spray and ignoring MP

Magma is fine. I can't see why anyone would vote that it needs to be affected by MP unless they rolled a centaur.

Author:  Edoras [ Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magma spray and ignoring MP

Like I said, centaurs are jokes in-game because of their fire weakness, and even if a centaur had full AP on their kit -and- it it helped against magma, they'd still get destroyed by magma just because of its sheer damage output.

Casters, on the other hand, will get 1 shot by magma spray, and the only way to reduce that damage atm is to use protection, sanctuary or resist elements, and RE is purposefully limited while keeping sanctuary up mid-combat requires that you do nothing offensive as a caster. Mirror image is an option, but it doesn't mitigate the fact that you're eventually going to get 1 shot -too- much.

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magma spray and ignoring MP

Magma spray is fine.

Author:  FinneyOwnzU [ Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magma spray and ignoring MP

edited post after more testing.

reconsidered my opinion and changed my vote after realizing that resist elements not only prevents cling but also reduces the non-cling damage by half, so my initial estimates on it's damage were off by 50%. two magma hits is going to do 700+ dmg and kill almost anyone w/o even factoring in the cling tick dmg. mp affecting it is probably not a bad idea.

Author:  FinneyOwnzU [ Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magma spray and ignoring MP

with warlocks being good again cuz of the changes to magma spray, cone of cold, etc., the imms definitely need to equalize access to scripted resist elements. there is an evil-only weapon and a good-only ring that scripts it. there's also a non-alignment restricted necklace and ring/bracer combo, which anyone can use - so no problems so far.

but then you factor in the two good-only, griffon-grip weapons that not only script resist elements but gives the buff to the entire room - lulz wat? these weapons either need to be changed to only affect the user (this would still gives lighties more access to resist elements tho), remove the resist elements script entirely from them, or change them from griffon-grip to normal grip and remove the alignment restriction on them.

Author:  Baranov [ Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magma spray and ignoring MP

FinneyOwnzU wrote:
with warlocks being good again cuz of the changes to magma spray, cone of cold, etc., the imms definitely need to equalize access to scripted resist elements. there is an evil-only weapon and a good-only ring that scripts it. there's also a non-alignment restricted necklace and ring/bracer combo, which anyone can use - so no problems so far.

but then you factor in the two good-only, griffon-grip weapons that not only script resist elements but gives the buff to the entire room - lulz wat? these weapons either need to be changed to only affect the user (this would still gives lighties more access to resist elements tho), remove the resist elements script entirely from them, or change them from griffon-grip to normal grip and remove the alignment restriction on them.

While I agree - the trio of spheres not too far back had the opposite done to it, and was made less available. Originally it was griffon-grip only, but not alignment restricted, so you had sorcerers (or even classes that could use scrolls) be they gray or dark keep the spheres to use for whoever was with them. Aside from it being rather hoarded (lets be honest what awesome items aren't) I thought this was fair as the aoe resist elements was effectively available to everyone. Somewhere along the line it was changed to lightie-only. Were that decision reversed it would then be effectively available to the playerbase again.

Author:  Ezeant [ Thu Dec 24, 2015 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magma spray and ignoring MP

he two good-only, griffon-grip weapons that not only script resist elements but gives the buff to the entire room - lulz wat? these weapons either need to be changed to only affect the user (this would still gives lighties more access to resist elements tho), remove the resist elements script entirely from them, or change them from griffon-grip to normal grip and remove the alignment restriction on them.

Should be centaur-only weapons. Balances out the weakness.


As for warlocks - while magma spray is awesome they are still kind of a glass cannon. I would adjust your strategy in PK.

I firmly believe that magma spray should be something that can be DODGED with sufficient (albeit a lot a lot) of reflex. Should be a difficult save for the main magma and then a less difficult save for the cling.

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