Shattered Kingdoms

Regarding the condensing of the player base.
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Author:  Cordance [ Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Regarding the condensing of the player base.

With the changes to the newbie zone to make it a single zone to try to create more player interaction, has any thought been put into afterwards? The current situation of the way zones XP works encourages you to seek out new areas. However it also encourages you not to stay or go back to old places well leveling where you are more likely to run into people. To throw back to the rose tinted golden days people (mostly not vets) would level under Morea from apprentice to master creating a situation where you where much more likely to interact with people. I know that Imms want people to explore new areas so that the content gets seen and used honestly I can not think of a way to strike a happy balance between the two ideas. Also if we are trying to focus the player base into fewer places those places will likely need spawn timer tweaks similar to those discussed in the newbie zone.

Some ideas which I am not sure are good.
Familiarity wears off. Im thinking similar to jail time faster when logged in slower when logged out.

Areas being split up into more familiarity areas. Morea caves is a good example of this with upper and lower Morea. An area that could have this option added is the chancel dwarf area vs the halfling area vs the high level door area.

Changes to group leveling mechanics to let people be carried more. I know we dont want Power leveling between low and high level people but why not assist newbie and vets keeping their levels closer together if they are grouped together.

Author:  Dulrik [ Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding the condensing of the player base.

There is a mechanic that addresses this already. I'd need to go back and review the specific details, but I believe everyone in a group receives experience as the least familiar member of the group. So if you invite someone to your group that is not familiar at all with an area, you can go back to it again yourself.

I may be fuzzy on the details, but that's what I recall of the original intent.

Author:  Meissa [ Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding the condensing of the player base.

I just want to say that splitting existing areas into two leveling ranges is very, very labor intensive. It involves completely rebuilding rooms, items, mobiles, scripts, etc in a new vnum block; they can't just be easily relocated.

I fully understand the intention behind the request, and am for it, but I just don't see that part of it happening. The newest of the leveling areas have been confined to single-status chunks, however, in an attempt to break things up.

I kind of dig familiarity wearing off, though.

Author:  Dulrik [ Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding the condensing of the player base.

PS. help worth
Check the last sentence in the help file.

Author:  Travorn [ Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding the condensing of the player base.

Partially on topic here, I think, but with the condensing of the player base, will elves, sprites and, to a lesser extent, centaurs be given sylven tongue and writing naturally along with their new homeland like dwarves, gnomes and deep-elves gain now with deep tongue and writing?

Author:  grep [ Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding the condensing of the player base.

Will Sith'a'niel's inn lose its regen and hoarding hours bonuses because it is now a satellite city?

Author:  Syn [ Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding the condensing of the player base.

Can we lure aggro NPCs to Sith'a'niel now, since it's not a starting city?

Author:  Yed [ Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding the condensing of the player base.

Travorn wrote:
Partially on topic here, I think, but with the condensing of the player base, will elves, sprites and, to a lesser extent, centaurs be given sylven tongue and writing naturally along with their new homeland like dwarves, gnomes and deep-elves gain now with deep tongue and writing?

Regen Inn + Aggro NPCs

Good questions. These are considerations that will be looked into as the situation unfurls.

For now, I'd say you should probably avoid luring buff aggro NPCs to Sith'a'niel.

Author:  Dulrik [ Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding the condensing of the player base.

grep wrote:
Will Sith'a'niel's inn lose its regen and hoarding hours bonuses because it is now a satellite city?

I don't know the answer to that yet, but it's a good question. I think it probably should.

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