Shattered Kingdoms

When Deleting.
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Author:  Chem [ Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  When Deleting.

Type 'delete [option number]' to confirm this command.

I plan to play SK again:
[1] Bored with or burned out on current character
[2] Not enjoying the role-play of others toward character
[3] Character is underpowered or unable to compete
[4] Not enough time to meet character obligations

I do NOT plan to play SK again:
[5] The player community is too unfriendly or hostile
[6] Other activities take priority or are more enjoyable
[7] Unable or unwilling to compete regardless of character
[8] Not enough role-play unrelated to player killing
[9] Not enough tactical variety in the game
[10] Issues with the administrative staff

Please choose the closest option: [1-10]

WARNING: this command is irreversible.
Type delete with no argument to undo delete status.

Can we get an 11th option?
[11] Screw up on Character Creation!

Author:  Dulrik [ Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Deleting.

Isn't that encompassed by #3?

Author:  Chem [ Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Deleting.

Dulrik wrote:
Isn't that encompassed by #3?

Not when you picked the wrong alignment and lock out the class you wanted.

Author:  Meissa [ Sat Jan 24, 2015 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Deleting.

If you just log out a character mid-creation, it auto deletes. Just an FYI. I learned this testing out the alignment Qs.

Author:  Chem [ Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Deleting.

Meissa wrote:
If you just log out a character mid-creation, it auto deletes. Just an FYI. I learned this testing out the alignment Qs.

Good to know, thanks.

Author:  Baldric [ Sat Jan 24, 2015 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Deleting.

It is a good option to have when you roll and then realize that you didn't maximize your attribute points in the hall of creation and decide to have another go at it.

This might not be as common now that you can enchant for stat mods and stuff but certain max-min builds require precision out of the hall of creation.

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Deleting.

Baldric wrote:
It is a good option to have when you roll and then realize that you didn't maximize your attribute points in the hall of creation and decide to have another go at it.

This might not be as common now that you can enchant for stat mods and stuff but certain max-min builds require precision out of the hall of creation.

Actually find this quite annoying. I've seen people delete and recreate several times because of mentor system.

Author:  Lumiere [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Deleting.

The lack of a wert option in the delete file makes me always pick 1.

If you don't make polling optional, the polling results will always be distorted by people who don't want to participate, and so choose the first option, or the last one, or randomly. This effect has -always- been observed, and generally corrected for, whether in democratic elections, mandatory census polling, etc.

Learn from the world's mistakes.

Also, a more informative route would be to allow us to rank options.

I'll use this format to explain my reduced playtime, a decision which is not really as drastic as deleting but is generally done for similar reasons.

[1] Bored with or burned out on current character
[2] Not enjoying the role-play of others toward character
[3] Character is underpowered or unable to compete
[4] Not enough time to meet character obligations

I do NOT plan to play SK again:
[5] The player community is too unfriendly or hostile
[6] Other activities take priority or are more enjoyable
[7] Unable or unwilling to compete regardless of character
[8] Not enough role-play unrelated to player killing
[9] Not enough tactical variety in the game
[10] Issues with the administrative staff

1- No, I still like my character.
2- No, I think my character offers me access to the best RP that SK has to offer.
3- Yes, the character -is- underpowered compared to other race/cabal combinations. That wouldn't have been a problem if not for factor 8.
4- Yes, this is somewhat of a factor. Part of my reallocation of time has been towards forum trolling, something which is less absorbing because you can freely walk away from it at any time without in-forum penalties. Part of it has been towards real-life responsibilities that I had put on the back burner during my month or so of high activity.
5- Yes, the player community is too unfriendly or hostile. This is a major factor.
6- Yes, there are more interesting things to do. I can just play chess online, play the new piano I bought myself for Xmas, or read.
7- No, I could definitely compete on other characters, I just wouldn't enjoy the RP of a character whose defining characteristic is competitiveness.
8- Yes, this is a major factor. However, I think that this option could be better written, to say something like, 'low quality RP' or 'too much playerkilling unrelated to RP.' I've also been bored by lots of RP that had nothing to do with PK.
9- No. There probably isn't, but I never cared that much. Poor game balance, across race, class, cabal and religion, is a turn off, because I either wind up playing a mechanically competitive character or a RP interesting one, but never both. Long preparation times and hoarding are kind of tiresome, but none of this would matter if the game was more animated and had more quality RP.
10- There are good imms and bad ones. I think this has been explored, or made evident elsewhere. I can't really blame them- who would want to herd a bunch of angry, horny cats for free?

I encourage everyone reading any part of the forum to try to imagine being completely uninducted to SK, and reading it. Like, parts where Syn complains in bold about Dabi not giving the Harlequins a food tree. A food tree? What? People are angry about this? A food tree... of letters?

A lot of what goes on here will seem really bizarre if you zoom out a little.

Author:  grep [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Deleting.

The most informative thing might be to just allow someone to affix a message to their delete command like they do with prayer explaining why they wanted to delete. Then their data can be coded by each immortal and, through grounded theory, findings could emerge that could then be correlated with other data provided by the game.

There's a lot of missed potential with some of these evaluation pieces. But then, that's par for course outside of "big data" (read: easy data) enterprises. Not a unique problem to SK.

Author:  Lumiere [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Deleting.

Well, I think that whether or not the player intends to return to SK should be a variable that's chosen separately.

First, make a wert option.

Next, revise the list of reasons.

Next, ask the player to rank as many reasons from the list as they choose to, from most to least prevalent reason why they're leaving, like voting in Australia.

Next, ask the player if they're coming back.

Then, allow a freewriting section for the player to explain in their own words.

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