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 Post subject: What you should be playing.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:25 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:53 pm
Posts: 503
Is a mercenary, barbarian, priest, or sorceror.

These four classes are the bread and butter of SK. Other classes are nice (or not), but not in any way, shape, or form, really needed for anything at all in the entire game. If you are playing something besides one of the above four classes, you are at most, 3/4ths as helpful to the game atmosphere as you could be, and likely more like 1/2 or less.

You (8/10 players) can be much more helpful to the players around you and get much more done together if you play one of the above classes. This is becoming much more painful to see when he player base is growing smaller. A rogue/bard/scout/warlock/etc is almost just annoying to see on the who list when there's 10-15 people on, because they're not terribly useful and you could do much more if they were of the other classes.

Priest are needed for consecrating, healing, resurrecting, brewing, locating, and just general support. They are the only class who can consecrate/rez.

Some of you might be going "oh, but I can play a shaman and provide healing/support or maybe tank or use maledictions or voodoo". No, you can't. Shamans are not tanks, especially not with Mr barbs around, and voodoo is pretty garbage with being affected by MR and the new loot rules preventing you from keeping a full mana kit. Also, most SKers aren't going to maledict properly and none of you care enough to set the weather and use call lightning in PvP.

So, if you are considering playing a shaman, do yourself and the game a favor, and roll a priest.

Swashbucklers, As big a fan as I am of dual-wielding as a concept, this class is just dead. The average SKer playing a swashie is honestly just a burden to the players around them. Only thing of note they bring to the table is taunt, which is not worth the overall shitshow that swashies are.

Scouts, also no. Scouts bring nothing to the game. Herbs are all easily replaced by pills/potions from various in shop games, and if a MR barb needs tons of mistletoe, I'm sure they can find some schlub on a scout, you do not need to be playing one. Scout pets have been nerfed pretty hard, to the point where you can't even log in/out with most of them, never mind their incredibly sub par combat prowess. If you want to shoot stuff, roll a mercenary.

Warlocks are completely useless outside of CRS. Nothing else to say here. It's laughable how many NPCs are immune to magma/etc, too. A supply of iron guard potions is not even 1/10 as useful as you could be to people by playing one of the four recommended classes.

Necromancers are meh. Great for PvPing newbs via massive melee output. Basically a sorcerer with 0 utility and more melee potential. Brings very little to the game as a whole.

Paladins/Hellions are both pretty terrible. Hellion is by far the worse of the two in terms of what they bring to the table. Paladins at least bring BoG which may be useful vs deep-elf sorcs and evil priests.

Rogues/bards. Rogues are so god awful 1-trick, it's ridiculous. Bards are amazingly useful....if there's a large supply of mercs/barbs/priests/sorcs already. There's not. There won't be. Do us all a favor and don't roll a bard.

Sorcs, have an incredibly high ceiling (the highest). Also a fairly steep learning curve. Needed for enchanting/locating, can fill in melee for a group when needed, can learn a lot about the game solo.

Mercenary, do not spec in a 2-h weapon that is front row. You are not the snowflake who is finally going to make it work. Specialize in a 1-h melee weapon and massive polearm if you want to be a PvE hero. Specialize in pole arm and a crossbow/bow for noob wrecking.

Barb, probably preferable for your average permanewb, as there's no emphasis on having specific weapons. Go MR if you want. Never make an MR centaur barb, as they have no way at all to fly, which makes it impossible for them to participate in most PvE (all other races can mount flying pets). MR barbs have a lower ceiling than non-mr barbs. Mercs are more versatile than barbs and better pve tanks.

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 Post subject: Re: What you should be playing.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:52 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:50 pm
Posts: 5522
The facts and opinions in this thread are fairly accurate, if a little salty.

Finney's build guide provides an additional data point and, to some extent, a more practical implementation of this wisdom to the aspiring player.

Any fantasy combat game tends to never depart far from the standard four role paradigm of fighter/mage/cleric/thief or the three role paradigm of deal/heal/support damage. The best advice for newbies to to probably give up any ideas of "tanking" in SK: the best tank is one that respawns, and there are such tanks available in the game as to be beyond the possibilities of any PC build with reaction times tighter than humans can hope to have over so many miles of copper.

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 Post subject: Re: What you should be playing.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:02 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:23 am
Posts: 1009
Location: Gulf Breeze
woahboy wrote:
Warlocks are completely useless outside of CRS. Nothing else to say here.

woahboy wrote:
Warlocks are devastatingly competitive.

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 Post subject: Re: What you should be playing.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:13 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:53 pm
Posts: 503
Go compete in CRS against a warlock, report back after being devastated. :wink:

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 Post subject: Re: What you should be playing.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:26 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:23 am
Posts: 1009
Location: Gulf Breeze
woahboy wrote:
Go compete in CRS against a warlock, report back after being devastated. :wink:

If you get devastated, you are doing it wrong. Sounds like a L2P issue to me.

I do agree that some classes are more competitive than others, however, I feel like the class that anyone 'should' be playing is the one that feels fun and inspired.

ps: u forgot about shamans

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 Post subject: Re: What you should be playing.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:39 am 

Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:04 pm
Posts: 1017
I miss the good old days when Scouts were actually feared :(

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 Post subject: Re: What you should be playing.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:17 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:22 pm
Posts: 455
Player base is unfortunately small.

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 Post subject: Re: What you should be playing.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:48 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:30 pm
Posts: 132

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 Post subject: Re: What you should be playing.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:02 pm 

Joined: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:55 am
Posts: 327
jreid_1985 wrote:
woahboy wrote:
Go compete in CRS against a warlock, report back after being devastated. :wink:

If you get devastated, you are doing it wrong. Sounds like a L2P issue to me.

I do agree that some classes are more competitive than others, however, I feel like the class that anyone 'should' be playing is the one that feels fun and inspired.

ps: u forgot about shamans

I play a warlock, and I got devastated by a fireball wand.

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 Post subject: Re: What you should be playing.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:05 am 

Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 9:16 am
Posts: 1567
SK Character: NA - Inactive
jreid_1985 wrote:
I do agree that some classes are more competitive than others, however, I feel like the class that anyone 'should' be playing is the one that feels fun and inspired.


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