Shattered Kingdoms

Limited EQ complaints
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Author:  woahboy [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Limited EQ complaints

I am curious about the new building rules.

Everything in Taslamar has been made useless. The two sets of armor in everclear (with the adamantite having the AC of paper). The jewelry from the palace, which has all been reduced to store bought equivalent mods. There never was any loot in Exile.

There's quite literally not a single piece of eq worth getting in Taslamar.

Yet, I can still point at energy weapons, scripted eq, diamond weapons in good subtypes, bookoo +4 mods, etc etc from other core cities.

Are these new building rules or is the Taslamar KD just going to town with the nerf bat?

Author:  Gilgon [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introducing the Rules Manager: Rules Q&A

Everything in Taslamar? Aren't there still several sets of diamond eq that loads on city guards?

Author:  woahboy [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introducing the Rules Manager: Rules Q&A

Gilgon wrote:
Everything in Taslamar? Aren't there still several sets of diamond eq that loads on city guards?

With great MP, and not even full sets. That's not on a list of 'worth getting'.

And I don't really care about the fact that it's taslamar.

The viable eq in the game just took a huge hit, since the Palace eq was some of the only good jewelry around. Outer Planes/Wastelands/IC eq is still subpar. We just did the IC. Rings with moderate MP/will, necklaces with great reflex, armor with great mp. And all the IC jewelry is an irreparable, but breakable material like jade/obsidian.

Author:  Dulrik [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Limited EQ complaints

Putting the word 'rules' in the post doesn't make this a topic for the rules manager. Split the complaints out to its own thread.

Author:  woahboy [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Limited EQ complaints

Dulrik wrote:
Putting the word 'rules' in the post doesn't make this a topic for the rules manager. Split the complaints out to its own thread.

In the thread in General Discussion, Nashira made it seem like there were new building/equipment rules/guidelines for where specific qualities of items can be obtained.

I've not seen or heard about any areas but his having eq changed.

Was there a change and can we expect all items from core and satellite cities to be reworked, or is this just the Taslamar KD doing his thing?

We could make a list of various items from places like Krychire, Kol's Moot, Garazul, Menegroth, Tlaxcala, Teron, if that would help staff.

Author:  Varak [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introducing the Rules Manager: Rules Q&A

woahboy wrote:
Gilgon wrote:
Everything in Taslamar? Aren't there still several sets of diamond eq that loads on city guards?

With great MP, and not even full sets. That's not on a list of 'worth getting'.

And I don't really care about the fact that it's taslamar.

The viable eq in the game just took a huge hit, since the Palace eq was some of the only good jewelry around. Outer Planes/Wastelands/IC eq is still subpar. We just did the IC. Rings with moderate MP/will, necklaces with great reflex, armor with great mp. And all the IC jewelry is an irreparable, but breakable material like jade/obsidian.

My opinion hasn't changed from the post I made in General Discussion. Changing the easy-to-get jewelry and few sets of armor with decent innate endowments to be as terrible as the hard-to-get jewelry and armor sets from the Dreamscape, Iron Citadel and Outer Planes doesn't motivate anyone to take risks.

You will have sub par equipment either way. The hard-to-get equipment should have been "fixed" first and then the easy-to-get equipment changed after.

Author:  jreid_1985 [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Limited EQ complaints

kind of indirectly buffs high art casters when you lower innate greater will/fort to moderate. Will take quite some time to build a decent kit to compete. MR barbs are looking better tho.

Author:  Dexity [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Limited EQ complaints

Yeah, did not even notice that many of the items I was wearing got nerfed. Heck, some of the mithril I am wearing compares worse than mithril that has no AP on it.. The stuff from the judge in Everclear is not so easy for darkies to get, so I do not see why it had to be hit with the nerf bat.

Author:  Gilgon [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Limited EQ complaints

Dexity wrote:
Yeah, did not even notice that many of the items I was wearing got nerfed. Heck, some of the mithril I am wearing compares worse than mithril that has no AP on it.. The stuff from the judge in Everclear is not so easy for darkies to get, so I do not see why it had to be hit with the nerf bat.

Compare does not evaluate AP enchants, fyi.

Author:  Nashira-2016 [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Limited EQ complaints

Taslamar is not the only kingdom to have been nerf-batted so far. I'll also take credit for adding a few new items and buffing a couple others there, thanks! But yes, I realize you're feeling the bat more acutely, since I've targeted some popular items. Of course, these were popular because they were overpowered and easy to retrieve for most. Your mileage may vary.

We're in the process of reevaluating all other areas according to a consistent risk/inconvenience/reward scale. Buffs are planned for the Outer Planes and other areas, with a nod to the new enchanting system. I wouldn't expect there to be abundant greater will/fort/reflex mods anywhere when we're done, as D intentionally limited these beloved enchants with his refactor, and he expressly does not want builders to undermine this. You can also expect that not all armor of a particular material will be created equal. (Adamantite will still generally protect better than paper, however, so if you have an example of paper armor which is better than the Everclear stuff, let me know, so I can wimp it!)

Believe it or not, I've been reading this thread and thinking about it quite a bit. Some valid points have been made. I don't expect us to publish any sort of gear change log anytime soon, given D's declaration of "gear can change any time without warning", but yes, I could've waited to pull the trigger on the Tas nerfs until other buffs were ready in areas I have no control over. Mea culpa, perhaps, but what's done is done, and we're moving forward as expeditiously as schedules allow. Thanks so much for your patience.

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