Shattered Kingdoms

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 Post subject: Holiday retirement.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:54 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:54 am
Posts: 607
SK Character: Caric
Given I am about to leave to go on a holiday for quite a significant time. I expect to be around here and there though most of it but that is because it is not a traveling holiday. It got me thinking perhaps we should have a holiday (retirement) command. It would also work with the people who play who work in the military. The command would be similar to a retirement command only with a number of days tagged on the end of it. During the time away you would effectively be under a hoarder flag. Only it would end on the return date you named. I figure this would be quite useful for people who are out of contact with the internet for the better part of their holidays to stop them returning with an unexpected H flag and be stuck with it for a week when they want to be back to playing. I figure it shouldnt be too hard to implement and might help a few people who have self dehoard themselves before they go on holidays. Would also mean they could keep what they keep with out stressing if they are going to get the hoarder flag. Would mean that in the holiday they couldnt pick up any good loot as per hoarder, however on return they would be back to 100% as if they had ended up with the hoarder flag and had it removed. I dont know what it would do with leadership but chances are it would make Imms aware before it happened they where going to lose it. Rather than having post holiday problems where X has lost their leadership flags. I think if its too much coding its probably not worth the effort but it seems like something that could be implemented using a lot of existing code, so hopefully not to much work.

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 Post subject: Re: Holiday retirement.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:21 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:26 am
Posts: 1252
SK Character: Rolf
You could just hang out in an inn, instead.

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