Shattered Kingdoms

~Just Swashie Things~
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Author:  woahboy [ Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  ~Just Swashie Things~

Since the new swashie changes are a few weeks in now, I had a few questions. Some of them about stuff that's always been weird, like swashie weapon speed.

Is it intended that having a slow main hand weapon lowers the speed of your offhand?

Assuming GM haste and wolverine stance in these examples..

If you do kama/kama, you get 8 hits, four with each.

If you do khopesh/kama, you no longer get 4 hits with the offhand weapon. I did the test with 6 speed enchants on the khopesh, and the khopesh would (despite speed and gm haste) fluctuate between 2-3 hits and the kama capped at 3.


Is there a chance to fail the Dual Wield skill even when it's mastered? Every once in a while, a round will go by where it seems like you only get half attacks.


Taunt seems to have a bug, or odd feature. Taunt someone, then flee, and they're still stuck.


Wolverine Stance being a Champion level skill is interesting. Does this mean other classes can expect Champion-level things in the future, or was that just done for some other reason (like to not mess with leveling)?

This kind of messes with the idea that your character is 'complete' at Master.

Ripostes (and I think bare hand parry attacks) bypass spirit aura, uncertain if bug or intended.

Author:  Baranov [ Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ~Just Swashie Things~

woahboy wrote:
Taunt seems to have a bug, or odd feature. Taunt someone, then flee, and they're still stuck.

I noticed something similar to this when a swash-type NPC taunted me, then a shaman in my group put him to sleep. I still was unable to move until I finished off that (sleeping) smart aleck. I had to wait for the taunt duration to subside before I could move.

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Wed Aug 13, 2014 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ~Just Swashie Things~

I seem to recall a bug when I played Arsilan so many years ago where I'd get taunted by a swashbuckler, and then be unable to move until taunt wore off because I was a swashbuckler. That was before taunt required concentration though, so that probably fixed that.

Author:  Galthryn [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ~Just Swashie Things~

Another swashie 'bug' I noticed!

The best weapons for swashies are not swords!

This is driving swashies to come out to war wielding mostly farm tools and other oddities.

Think maybe a sword might turn up to be as good as those for the sake of appearances?

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