Shattered Kingdoms

Call Elemental.
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Author:  Vindicator [ Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Call Elemental.

Instead of being able to banish your elemental and resummon it, what if their was a spell that let's you open a portal to it, or summon it directly to you?

Author:  Morovik [ Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Call Elemental.

a warlock can banish their elemental on command now and re-summon them at will? :o

Author:  Vindicator [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call Elemental.

No... Not sure why I said that.
So far you basically have to wait it out still for the thing to leave before conjuring another. This makes warlocks super vulnerable during that time.

Author:  Galthryn [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Call Elemental.

Vindicator wrote:
No... Not sure why I said that.
So far you basically have to wait it out still for the thing to leave before conjuring another. This makes warlocks super vulnerable during that time.

...Like any other class that doesn't have access to elementals?

I think that's a feature of the game. Part of the challenge of being a warlock is managing your elemental and making sure it doesn't get lost somewhere, or die.

Author:  amandagreathouse [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Call Elemental.

Galthryn wrote:
Vindicator wrote:
No... Not sure why I said that.
So far you basically have to wait it out still for the thing to leave before conjuring another. This makes warlocks super vulnerable during that time.

...Like any other class that doesn't have access to elementals?

I think that's a feature of the game. Part of the challenge of being a warlock is managing your elemental and making sure it doesn't get lost somewhere, or die.

As inconvenient as it is, I have to agree.

That said, I think it would be neat if elementals would recall alongside you to the same room the same way they do when you quaff word of recall instead of just recalling.

Author:  Cordance [ Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call Elemental.

amandagreathouse wrote:
That said, I think it would be neat if elementals would recall alongside you to the same room the same way they do when you quaff word of recall instead of just recalling.

Like every other pet in the game but it doesnt happen for a reason recall is a cheats way back that costs a price. It would be nice if things returned with tribunal recall like cabal gate. They dont if you want your pet to come with you. You return outside of the city. If you are happy to leave it behind you can return to the "safety" of the Inn.

Author:  jerinx [ Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call Elemental.

Galthryn wrote:
Vindicator wrote:
No... Not sure why I said that.
So far you basically have to wait it out still for the thing to leave before conjuring another. This makes warlocks super vulnerable during that time.

...Like any other class that doesn't have access to elementals?

I think that's a feature of the game. Part of the challenge of being a warlock is managing your elemental and making sure it doesn't get lost somewhere, or die.

Agreed. It's no different (in fact, it's far more tolerable) than a necromancer's vulnerability without undead. It's one of the few things that's easy to manage that'll hose you if you don't manage it.

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