Shattered Kingdoms

The prices for healing spells
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Author:  trollking [ Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  The prices for healing spells

are too high QQ

Heal blindness - Cast cure blindness for 3 platinum, 5 gold, 2 silver (+10% tax). (Slightly high but reasonable enough)

Heal deafness - Cast cure deafness for 3 platinum, 5 gold, 2 silver (+10% tax). (Reasonable)

Heal critical - Cast cure critical wounds for 4 platinum, 4 gold (+10% tax). (Too high)

Heal disease - Cast cure disease for 2 platinum, 6 gold, 4 silver (+10% tax). (Reasonable)

Heal energizer - Cast energizer for 1 platinum, 7 gold, 6 silver (+10% tax). (Reasonable but kinda high for what you get)

Heal heal - Cast heal for 8 platinum, 8 gold (+10% tax). (Way too high)

Heal light - Cast cure light wounds for 1 platinum, 7 gold, 6 silver (+10% tax). (Way too high)

Heal poison - Cast cure poison for 4 platinum, 4 gold (+10% tax). (slightly high)

Heal refresh - Cast refresh for 8 gold, 8 silver (+10% tax). (reasonable)

Heal regenerate - Cast regeneration for 4 platinum, 4 gold (+10% tax). (slightly high)

Heal serious - Cast cure serious wounds for 3 platinum, 5 gold, 2 silver (+10% tax). (way too high)

Heal uncurse - Cast remove curse for 8 platinum, 8 gold (+10% tax). (Way too high, and fails at times)

Author:  Kin [ Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The prices for healing spells

There is probably a reason for this. It's so that people that are defending a city can't run to a nearby priest, heal up to full and run back into the fray repeatedly. At least, that's my assumption of it. Also makes it so people can't just spam energizer / heal and have no downtime in some training areas without paying some sort of price.

Author:  grep [ Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The prices for healing spells

I will throw in my own chips here and observe that if something is too hard to get one way, you're encouraging people to get it through another.

Author:  Dulrik [ Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The prices for healing spells

As in make friends with other players and ask them for healing.

Author:  trollking [ Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The prices for healing spells

Store bought cure poison or cure serious is cheaper than these prices :(
I suppose I could find a priest, but that depends on their availability and their willingness to help me.
I don't like forming IC relationships that revolve around using someone for their skillset for example brewing.
It feels like I'm either using them, or sucking up to them to get what I want, however,
if the rp is legit and they offer to help, I usually don't have a problem with it.

Author:  Cordance [ Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The prices for healing spells

I would like to think their are few old school people who really have an issue with gold when it comes to these prices. That being said gold is time. Id rather them be cheaper and I spend less so I can spend my time doing other more interesting things rather than recovering a few obsidian because I helped out some lowbies and needed the healer spell a few times.

Energizer should probably be looked at if the "Heal" priest should keep it any more given that it is given to a religion. That or perhaps other religion only spells should be considered for the "Heal" priest. Both those thoughts are interesting but would likely cause an imbalance in leveling areas.

It would be nice if tribunal members got a discount in their own city seeing as they dont get tribunal spells any more but I dont know if that would get abused for leveling, or maybe it is a good thing if it can be used for leveling at that price because it would be a reason to join a tribunal before GMing. As a tribunal member I use them anyway so long as I have the gold. If I dont have the gold then I just spend more time farming it up.

It would be nice if you got some money back if the spell like cure poison didnt work. Although that is probably opening a whole can of potential bugs and such with haggle.

Author:  Dulrik [ Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The prices for healing spells

I am pretty sure you only get charged half price if the spell didn't work. So that's the same as getting some back.
Interesting notion about it being cheaper for tribunal members.

Author:  Teh_Peso [ Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The prices for healing spells

Price increases with lvl, btw.

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The prices for healing spells

Who here hasn't been poisoned at like 5% HP, dragged themselves to the priest, then not had enough coin to pay for the priest so you died right there?

Author:  patrisaurus [ Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The prices for healing spells

Even better, plagued the priest upon walking in at high health/low mvs, discovered you had no money, and watched the priest die alongside you, too stubborn to save his own life without payment.

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