Shattered Kingdoms

Tribunal... bug? Or possibly something that needs change?
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Author:  maxman [ Sat May 18, 2013 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Tribunal... bug? Or possibly something that needs change?

I have been told that the tribunal balance command is showing the name of who is killing guards. They're using that to track people who level in cities with guards and telling everyone that we're leveling on guards. Now they haven't started hunting us..Yet. But its giving them the -name- of ANYONE who kills a guard anywhere at anytime, despite if they're online or not.

In my opinion, it should just show the fact that a guard was killed, not who killed it, unless they're a known criminal at the time. Then I could understand the reason for a name showing up. To add to this, if the act itself is not witnessed or reported, whether you're a known criminal or not, how would they know you were the one who killed said guard?

Any thoughts on the topic?

Author:  Styles [ Sat May 18, 2013 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribunal... bug? Or possibly something that needs change

Most people will leave you alone if you are leveling in areas protected by law, or at least RP with you asking you to cease and desist instead of just run in and gank you. I think you should get heat from tribunals when you try to level in areas under their protection, but it probably should not be the case that you get automatically reported to the bank like this. The only thing the tribunal leaders should be able to ascertain is which of their guard NPCs died and where, not who killed them. That is for witnesses to report to the judge and should not show up in a bank statement.

Author:  maxman [ Sat May 18, 2013 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribunal... bug? Or possibly something that needs change

Exactly my point. I'm glad you agree.

Author:  NativeWolf [ Sat May 18, 2013 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribunal... bug? Or possibly something that needs change

Let me voice an opinion....

I check the tribunal records, the banker tells me that I've had money going out to go apprehend criminals...and gives me a list of the criminals that were being hunted.

Now several of these criminals are people that my lands have a truce with. With each person, I talk to them about it. One admits to doing the crimes, not realizing it was a law area and he served his time.

The Light-aura on the other hand says he feels NO REMORSE for killing guards for are doing their duty to apprehend a criminal.

I have the log showing that no where in there did I say that they were killing guards to level. However, I did express disgust at the lack of remorse shown by the person and the fact that they said that they would continue to do it rather than try to find a way to resolve the situation.

No players were griefed, no characters harmed. Simply made use of the tools available to ask questions of those who were outlawed. The rest of your post lacks any form of validity that I see. And yes, since the situation just happened with my character, I am taking it as I am the one who supposedly did this HORRIBAD thing.

Author:  maxman [ Sat May 18, 2013 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribunal... bug? Or possibly something that needs change

I have no idea if the person who gave me the information was talking about you or not, nativewolf. I honestly don't know much about the situation. However, I thought I would get as much info about the situation from the person I spoke with and post it here not only in an effort to ensure that if this is true it is fixed to make it more logical in an RP aspect but also to see if anyone else has knowledge of the situation. I appreciate you coming forward with the knowledge that you have and I would hope that anyone who knows about it from either side of the story will add information as well. And logs would be nice to see, not as proof... as they are easily edited, but just to let everyone have an idea of what the topic is about from a more personal perspective. (I for one have no idea what this actually is... being a newbie to this game.)

Author:  NativeWolf [ Sat May 18, 2013 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribunal... bug? Or possibly something that needs change let me get this straight... you have an issue with a tribunal member saying, " cost us money with your will cease and desist..." because they found out that the person was wanted because of the bank...

Alright...let me give you a real life situation...

I work as a bookkeeper. At any point during the day, the man who signs my paycheck two doors down from my office may call me and say, "hey...the numbers on this project look off. What's going on?"

Should I just sit there and drool and say, "eerrr I don't know...."

Or should I be able to say, "well sir, you were concerned about the project, so we had extra security on it. You dispatched this person to watch it and he has cost us this much and this person was also dispatched out there on another day which cost us this much money."

It's called accountability and knowing how your money is being spent.

Author:  Grenth [ Sat May 18, 2013 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribunal... bug? Or possibly something that needs change

I wanted to clear up the misunderstanding as I was the one that asked them to create the post in the first place.

Someone suggested I trained in everclear. The guards at the entrance were a tough challenge and looked to be good for experience. My character killed the guards and noticed the others in the city weren't as tough. The area wasn't as beneficial for training as I thought so I left. Later, another person contacted my character icly and let him know that there were "reports" of him killing guards. Note my character was never caught and was not a criminal, however the fact that the guard was killed showed up on the tribunal balance with my character's name and the guards that he killed.

Now no one has hunted my character yet over this, but the character who contacted my character let them know that they were being watched and might probably be hunted if they were seen there in Taslamar. Also some people started hassling my character icly in the sithaniel inn asking if he killed some guards and so forth.

The problem with this is there was never anyone around to see my character commit the crimes. All those in the room were killed so there were no witnesses. My character is not a criminal and not wanted, yet there is a list that shows which guards I killed, despite there being no witnesses. The thing is you can't play dumb because the "records" have true sight and show your character's name. Theres no refuting it and some of the guards in the game are pretty good experience. That's the ordeal and why the person above created the post.

Long story short, it shouldn't show the person's name or character description unless they're a wanted criminal already.

Author:  NativeWolf [ Sat May 18, 2013 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribunal... bug? Or possibly something that needs change

A direct quote from my log today, this is what a tribunal/cabal leader sees when they go to the bank.

| Most Recent | Gold | Reason | Regarding |
| Dark Shades 24, 1272 | -45.00 | Diplomacy | Group A |
| Dark Shades 24, 1272 | -450.00 | Diplomacy | Group B |
| Heat 1, 1272 | -8.00 | Enforcer Deaths | Character A |
| Heat 1, 1272 | -6.00 | Enforcer Fees | Character B |
| Heat 1, 1272 | -8.00 | Enforcer Deaths | Character C |

If they had an exact list of what guards you killed then either someone was watching, either hidden or invisible or you are a wanted criminal.

Author:  Rodwen [ Sun May 19, 2013 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribunal... bug? Or possibly something that needs change

NativeWolf wrote:
If they had an exact list of what guards you killed then either someone was watching, either hidden or invisible or you are a wanted criminal.

Or, you know, you send out 10 warders, 10 cadets, 10 sentries, and 10 centaurs, and only 8 warders, 5 cadets, 10 sentries, and 7 centaurs report back at the end of their guard shift. RIP 2 warders, 5 cadets, and 3 centaurs.

Author:  Baldric [ Sun May 19, 2013 5:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribunal... bug? Or possibly something that needs change

In the world of SK, everyone gets a resurrection. If we wanted things to be consistent and to make sense, you could never get away with a crime by killing the witnesses. The NPCs would get a rez and go report you.

So not only should the tribunal be able to see where the money is being spent, but all of your crimes should automatically get reported to the judge within 20 minutes of committing them.

I think the law system should get a major overhaul in general, though.

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