Shattered Kingdoms

Can we please put a cap on jailtime?
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Author:  Kin [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Can we please put a cap on jailtime?

You are a criminal in this land.
You still have 479 hours of jail time remaining.
You are banished from this land.

Apparently I've killed a ton of people on Mephis or something. I'm all for doing the time and all that jazz, but honestly it's being used as a griefing tool at this point (Charm + make them surrender forcefully). Can we please put a cap on jailtime or something? Make someone executed after 5 or 10 days or something. It's things like this that make people delete and no one, no matter what they do, deserves that much jailtime unless they're noob killing repeatedly.

Edit: And yes, this time I'm "whining" flame me if you want. This is seriously detrimental to the game though as my character will literally have to sit there for days because the chance of him getting pardoned or working out any agreement is slim to none. The fact that NPC kills can stack up hours that fast is ridiculous.

Author:  Whinston [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can we please put a cap on jailtime?

I actually agree with you on this one, Kin.
I think a ten day jail cap (something like ten IRL hours, isn't it?) would STILL be too much time; but it'd be a massive improvement over the current system.


Author:  Galactus [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can we please put a cap on jailtime?

I would still like the ability of a person choosing to basically mine or do gladiatorial combat which raises money for the trib but reduces jail time. I would also love to see gladiatorial combat where PC's can actually place bets!

Author:  Terrus [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can we please put a cap on jailtime?

You do the crime you pay the tim....blah blah...zzzzz

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can we please put a cap on jailtime?

It's one of the downfalls to massive amounts of PK in a law area. Sorry. If you have friends, you can get broken out of jail.

Author:  Kin [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can we please put a cap on jailtime?

ladyjennbo wrote:
It's one of the downfalls to massive amounts of PK in a law area. Sorry. If you have friends, you can get broken out of jail.

No, sorry jennbo, but this is some severe [REDACTED]. Anyone that attacks a law area and gets outlawed can thereafter rack up stupid amounts of hours due to the bounty system. Take in account that if I go into the city at all with someone in a group to bust someone in a group to bust someone out, 2-3 bounty NPCs can spawn at a time. If there are NPC's in the room this effectively adds 2-3 counts PER move. After that, it takes absolutely no time whatsoever to rack up these ridiculous sentences.

When you tack on the fact that people are total assholes in this game and refuse to work with anyone, it makes people delete. NO ONE likes to stare at a freaking screen for 8 hours because you can't "bot" by using an anti void machine. SO yeah, if you get caught like this in which I've been in there for 5 hours now, there is no way out.

Not only can you not do anything because of that stupid [REDACTED] rogue from a long time backstabbing people as they came in, you can't eat any type of food or pill to poison / plague yourself because anti magic fizzles it. Another item I've tried doesn't work either. There is simply no way out of your own accord which is absolutely stupid. There is 0 interaction to this and it's overall detrimental. It is one thing to full loot someone and kill them. It is just straight up griefing and being the biggest dick imaginable to full loot someone and then put them in a [REDACTED] jail for 500 hours AND then thwart anyone that attempts to rescue them because you can. Help diabolic. The golden [REDACTED] rule exists for a reason.

/end rant

Author:  Edoras [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can we please put a cap on jailtime?

I think that "help diabolic" is probably the crux of the argument here. If anything, blame the system, but don't rage at the people who put you in jail as if their character should have ICly wanted to do anything less.

Author:  MsPooperTrooper [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can we please put a cap on jailtime?

Solution to jailtime: Create an alt. Fix't.

Author:  evena [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can we please put a cap on jailtime?

Okay . . .

I'm not taking up the side of the whiner, but consider that Dulrik WANTS conflict in the game. That a PLAYER should be punished for OOC weeks, depending on their availability, for creating it seems a bit harsh. Yes, yes. By all means, punish the character. But seriously . . . making an alt isn't really a solution.

Author:  Edoras [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can we please put a cap on jailtime?

Actually, making an alt was Dulrik's suggested solution when I brought this issue up: And my character would have had to stay logged off for over a month to deal with the jailtime, meaning he'd be stripped of leadership and auto deleted.

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