Shattered Kingdoms

Enchantment Changes Live?
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Author:  cheesekk [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Enchantment Changes Live?

I just noticed as I went to a trainer that there was an "Enchant Item" option. Also added to my spell list. Lo and behold, try:

help enchant


help consecrate

As I am new I really don't know what all this means, other than the fact that people have been arguing over this issue for... years? Thoughts on the change?

What happens to items previously enchanted?

Author:  Imperialistic_Babble [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enchantment Changes Live?

cheesekk wrote:
I just noticed as I went to a trainer that there was an "Enchant Item" option. Also added to my spell list. Lo and behold, try:

help enchant


help consecrate

As I am new I really don't know what all this means, other than the fact that people have been arguing over this issue for... years? Thoughts on the change?

What happens to items previously enchanted?

All items previous enchanted were wiped and restored to their original, innate properties. What that means is anyone who bothered investing any sort of significant time in their kits prior to now just lost out on whatever time invested because of the wipe, rather than having all current enchantments converted.

While I appreciate D's hard work on the MUD I am not a fan of the new changes at all. I personally think they've made things more complicated as a whole, screwed over anyone that built a caster (priest) that ignored ART in their trains, screwed over melee as a whole, and any race non magical as well.

I guess only time will tell but casters seemed to have just received a huge buff (as if they needed it lol) with this package.

Author:  cheesekk [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enchantment Changes Live?

As an aside, is there an official announcement yet?

Author:  Dulrik [ Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enchantment Changes Live?

There will be shortly. I am locking this thread to give preference to the upcoming Q&A thread.

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