Shattered Kingdoms

Spell suggestion: 'sanction'
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Author:  Sargas [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Spell suggestion: 'sanction'

For: Paladin


Sanction is "offensive sanctuary". It is a debuff meant to penalize combat with its primary purpose being to keep the peace in a roleplay situation -- and, in combat, to limit the options of the enemy. Like sanctuary, is a held-and-timered spell. If a sanctioned target initiates combat or an aggressive action, sanction "resolves" and, for a certain amount of time (not very long), their damage output is always cut in half, in both spells and melee. However, the "downside" is that a sanctioned target passively enjoys the combat-preventing benefits of sanctuary.

Sanction is not an aggressive action. This is key to the spell's functionality.
A sanctioned target does not join in on combat with auto assist.


  • You can sanction someone who comes into your city for peace talks to ensure they do not murder anyone -- or at least fail spectacularly at it.
  • You can sanction a criminal in your city, making it harder for them to deal with guards (since guards bypass sanctuary).
  • You can sanction the enemy spellcaster (warlock).
  • You can sanction the enemy pet, trivializing their damage if the enemy initiates.

Author:  Terrus [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spell suggestion: 'sanction'

Would sanctuary stop the casting of this spell if you were to target an enemy?

Author:  Galactus [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spell suggestion: 'sanction'

Overall, I really like the idea. A paladin getting a malediction would be quite interesting!

Author:  patrisaurus [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spell suggestion: 'sanction'

This wouldn't stop anyone from doing whatever they wanted to anyways and would see the most use when the paladin was behind a burly warrior, casting it aggressively while chasing down enemy warriors.

Author:  shadow [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spell suggestion: 'sanction'

Sounds very good! Well balanced with the downside of it. It will make GPK very interesting with a paladin involved!

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spell suggestion: 'sanction'

This spell is *way way* too powerful.

Author:  jhorleb [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spell suggestion: 'sanction'

If I'm reading this right, there's no reason NOT to cast this spell on someone. The combat preventing effect of sanctuary is not its primary benefit. Way too powerful a debuff IMO.

Also what do you mean guards bypass sanctuary? I don't think they do.

Author:  Sargas [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spell suggestion: 'sanction'

jhorleb wrote:
If I'm reading this right, there's no reason NOT to cast this spell on someone. The combat preventing effect of sanctuary is not its primary benefit. Way too powerful a debuff IMO.

Also what do you mean guards bypass sanctuary? I don't think they do.

If I recall, bounty NPCs have a certain knack for dodging sanctuary (not sure whether it's intended or not; they just do).

Ardith, the point is to explain how or why, not to go "it's broken" and leave it at that.

Author:  Edoras [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spell suggestion: 'sanction'

Bounty NPCs are actually very heavily affected by sanctuary. It's intimidate that they completely ignore.

As for sanction, I just don't see it being really necessary, or all that worthwhile. Are paladins really unwilling to RP with their enemies unless they have another safeguard skill on top of what they already have access to?

Author:  the_me [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spell suggestion: 'sanction'

For some reason I see this idea working better as a room affect. A room-wide sanctuary for anyone in it or who steps in it while it is being held.

-Auto assist would be disabled for everyone in the room.
-Everyone in the room would count as having a sanctuary.
-Everyone in the room would count as being under curse.
-Everyone inside the room would not be visible to the outside. Also those outside the room would not be visible to those inside.
-Exits are visible to all in the room and movement not restricted or altered.
-Those who provoke combat take a save vs. "Energy Drain".
-Casting cost and maintenance by percentage: 70% max pool to cast requiring 1 full round. Maintance 1% per round and caster ignores regenerating energy. (Essentially about a 30 min deal, enough time for a semi-lengthy conversation).
-Spell is a GM level spell, available to Paladin and Hellion. Maybe a changed room appearance (I dunno, Hell for Hellion and Heaven for Paladin)?
-Would call it '[Holy/Unholy] Sanction', but that's just me.

I think the point would be for it to be an incredibly OP anti-combat spell, but something that benefits and weakens all in the room equally, and shouldn't be maintainable for too long, yet has to be maintainable for some time or it would defeat it's purpose as an RP tool.

I'd still rather give Paladin/Hellion create symbol....

EDIT: After further thought, add:
-Releasing spell causes a 'word of recall' for all in the room, including the caster.
-Releasing spell causes caster fatigue and spirit disorientation x 3.

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