Shattered Kingdoms

MR bards
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Author:  Le Petit Prince [ Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  MR bards

I think bards should be able to train magic resis--*shot*

No seriously, how do bards and MR barbs interact? Do MR barbs resist chords? Do they resist songs? If they resist songs, are they healed every round by them? I assume they're not immune to persuade, since that's a skill. (They're also immune to/healed by scripts on their own EQ, right? Just checking.)

Author:  zryych [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MR bards

MR does nothing against bard songs. Uqalix took some nasty hits from the bards down in the evil side of Ianelanka, and I remember being able to heal my pet halberd with songs of healing. I'm not sure of persuade specifically, but I'd have to imagine that MR doesn't block it at all.

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