Maybe it's something specific to bounty NPCs, but it certainly works on normal guards.
[HP:100%] [ME: 92%] [PE:100%] The Center of Kol's Plaza
[MIDNIGHT] Jurath: So now what?
[HP:100%] [ME: 92%] [PE:100%] The Center of Kol's Plaza
A stout male human council-guard utters the words, 'fuyh'.
[HP:100%] [ME: 94%] [PE:100%] The Center of Kol's Plaza
A circle of stones
Amid the amber fields of Taslamar, this small clearing is
\py home to the renowned portal stones, of which several scatter the
f*- realms. Brave souls have been known to utilize the arcane power
ffy that is bound to the stones, travelling to far lands in the blink
of an eye. At almost opposite sides of the clearing, two roads
meander away. To the north a gleaming white watchtower rises out of the
vast grassland that surrounds it. It's snowing lightly, well past
freezing, and very windy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se rift rift
( 2) A magical rift is glowing violently in the mid-air.
A set of rune-inscribed stones frame the center of the clearing here.
A black wolf exits out of a magical rift.
Cyndane exits out of a magical rift.
A nightmare exits out of a magical rift.
[HP:100%] [ME: 94%] [PE:100%] A circle of stones
You see A Narrow Trail.
[HP:100%] [ME: 94%] [PE:100%] A circle of stones
You see A Narrow Dusty Road.
[HP:100%] [ME: 94%] [PE:100%] A circle of stones
You see Wolfen Wood.
[HP:100%] [ME: 94%] [PE:100%] A circle of stones
You see A Vineyard.
[HP:100%] [ME: 94%] [PE:100%] A circle of stones
West Karaxia Street
You are on a narrow, cobbled street running east and west through the
city of Exile. Tall houses of timber-framed wattle and daub rise on
either side of the road, leaning inwards progressively as they rise,
shading the street below.
Displaced farmers and hungry people abound in the streets.
The cobbles underfoot are worn and rutted from the continual passage of
traffic upon this main city street. The gutters run with fresh water,
but the unmistakable smell of the city and her close, crowded population
prevails regardless.
It's snowing lightly, well past freezing, and very windy.
Obvious exits: e s w rift
A magical rift is glowing violently in the mid-air.
A Peacekeeper is here, patrolling the city.
Cyndane exits out of a magical rift.
A nightmare exits out of a magical rift.
A black wolf exits out of a magical rift.
A Peacekeeper exclaims 'Halt, lawbreaker! You shall pay for your crimes!'
A Peacekeeper's attack falters as he nears Cyndane.
[HP:100%] [ME: 94%] [PE:100%] West Karaxia Street
[MIDNIGHT] Cyndane: I could write a love letter to Alaric.