Shattered Kingdoms

Stealing Thieves Enhancement
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Author:  Muktar [ Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Stealing Thieves Enhancement

I am overall alright with the thieves stealing things that are above level, but it does one thing. Usually, when the person would outlevel that equipment, they would sell it, but if a thief takes it. The money the person would have gotten would disappear. I would suggest when a thief takes an item from someone it adds that much money back into the economy of the nation the person is in when they log on. If they are not in a nation when they log in, it disappears as normal. I would even like if it was stolen when they are in a nation that it actually goes to either one of the pawn shops or maybe, a shadow market in that area.

Author:  Terrus [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stealing Thieves Enhancement

There's a finite amount of coin in the SK world, if this were to be implemented it wouldn't even matter anyway because so much stuff is stolen by thieves we'd reach that limit in two weeks.

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