Shattered Kingdoms

Rogues - Conceal
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Author:  Mr.Treefinger [ Sat May 05, 2012 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Rogues - Conceal

Rogues need conceal, a skill that is like camouflague in a city for rogues. Only true sight can detect it and with a successful steal check the rogue stays concealed. I think it would make rogues more powerful in a class appropriate way.

Author:  Edoras [ Sat May 05, 2012 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rogues - Conceal

I don't think that rogues need to be more powerful, especially not in the form of super chameleon powers.

Author:  Mr.Treefinger [ Sat May 05, 2012 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rogues - Conceal

I do, why are hellions and halflings equal or better at concealing themselves than a whole class dedicated to stealth. You have been banned from this thread edoras.

Author:  Nightwing [ Sat May 05, 2012 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rogues - Conceal

Mr.Treefinger wrote:
I do, why are a class dedicated to darkness and stealth and a race with an established history of being stealthy equal or better at concealing themselves than a whole class dedicated to stealth?

Author:  Edoras [ Sat May 05, 2012 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rogues - Conceal

Rogues are equipped to be much more than just that creepy guy sneaking around: They're a jack of all trades class. They can whip out a greatsword and trip someone while disarming them, sneak around behind their enemies during combat with a dagger for devastating damage, kill someone before they even know what hit them with backstab, and even use magical scrolls.

The point of camouflage is that you can be looking right -at- someone and have no idea they're there: That's impossible to pull off in an urban environment unless you're playing Halo.

Author:  Mr.Treefinger [ Sat May 05, 2012 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rogues - Conceal

Edoras, banned. Nightwing, irrelevant.

Author:  Baldric [ Sat May 05, 2012 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rogues - Conceal

Edoras and Nightwing are both right and I'm not sure why Treefinger thinks rogues should be buffed or why they should have super chameleon powers.

Author:  adhil [ Sat May 05, 2012 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rogues - Conceal

More than likely Treefinger plays a rogue that gets PKed a lot

Author:  ObjectivistActivist [ Sat May 05, 2012 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rogues - Conceal

Rogues would be pretty far down the list of classes that could use a little TLC, in my estimation.

Author:  Edoras [ Sat May 05, 2012 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rogues - Conceal


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