Shattered Kingdoms

Let's talk about 'mode stun' and some ideas
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Author:  Minette [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:45 am ]
Post subject:  Let's talk about 'mode stun' and some ideas

The other day, in another discussion, Dulrik/people talked about mode stun other players. Most experienced players immediately responded that stunning others is more difficult than killing, and there are a lot of inconveniences that go with it.

Here is my understanding and a quick comparison between mode stun, and mode kill:

1. It is significantly more difficult to stun a player than to kill them combat wise. For instance, when we aim upper, we land blows to the head and chest. When either of those areas reach 0 hitpoints, the person drops dead. Mode stun works differently, we go through both pools of hitpoints before they are stunned. In player versus player battles, this matters greatly.

2. When a player is killed, anyone can be at the corpse and type 'get all corpse'. This doesn't work for mode stun. Besides having the peek skill, we also cannot see and therefore cannot take the stunned person's inventory, again, 'get all corpse' gets the inventory.

3. When a player is stunned, everything goes black for a tick, they cannot do anything, but more importantly, they cannot see anything. Of course, they are not supposed to see anything, but as far as roleplaying after stunning goes, in comparison to killing, roleplaying with a stunned opponent is extremely difficult, because...

4. Have you successfully stunned other players and tried to roleplay? I have. I have tried it on 4-5 different players over the years. As soon as they recovered from the stun tick, they all ran away, 100%, no exceptions. When players are stunned they immediately assume they lucked out, and then they make a run for it when they can, human nature.

Help me flesh out these ideas:

1. When a player is stunned, everyone gains a 'peek' like skill, but instead of saying "You peek into their inventory", it could say "You found the following".

2. Allow 'get all john' to work when John is stunned, similar to 'get all john' when John is killed.

3. When a player recovers from stun, they cannot move for a short duration, in addition,

4. Please implement a room echo for all to see when a player or NPC recovers from stun.

Author:  evena [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let's talk about 'mode stun' and some ideas

These are all fantastic suggestions.

Author:  Edoras [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let's talk about 'mode stun' and some ideas

These are all amazing suggestions and I am surprised that they haven't been mentioned before.

It would be really nice if in addition to these you had some way of moving stunned opponents, but I am having a hard time thinking of an implementation of that which doesn't allow someone to say, repeatedly stun a character and slowly move them into their cabal HQ.

Author:  Gilgon [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let's talk about 'mode stun' and some ideas

Voted for all four.

Author:  Tojishiro [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let's talk about 'mode stun' and some ideas

Voted on all four as well. I consider them all fantastic suggestions too!

Author:  Nightwing [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let's talk about 'mode stun' and some ideas

You didn't address issue 3, but it would be nice if the player could still perceive the action akin to headbutt unconsciousness.

Also, stun and the proposed recovery phase should operate on the fast effect system.

Author:  Edoras [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let's talk about 'mode stun' and some ideas

I do find it odd that there isn't a "I don't like these" option. Makes it harder to get a clear picture of anyone who may have reasons against these ideas: Might be worth adding it below, or maybe even making eight options, one for or against each item.

Author:  evena [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let's talk about 'mode stun' and some ideas

My only addition to this is that I would like to see stunned bodies fully like containers. Yes, we should be able to "get" all, but I think "put" would be a nice touch for some situations.

Author:  zryych [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let's talk about 'mode stun' and some ideas

I really like 1and 4 as is. I really like 2 and three with conditions. Getting stuff that they are wearing should make a lag, since that'd be difficult in practice. I know there's no real difference between that and getting killed, but with death there's no hope of them waking up. I also really like the 'put in victim' idea. And with a nice lag, it'd be nice to be able to drag. That's gotta be easier than a ghost moving their body.

Author:  spidermonkey [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let's talk about 'mode stun' and some ideas

Stun should be a timed effect and not a tick effect like dirt kick is now as opposed to how it was.

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