Shattered Kingdoms

Nerina's new guards
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Author:  Edoras [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Nerina's new guards

To avoid clogging up GD:

Marfik wrote:
Actually I would be interested to hear people's thoughts about the changes in the Talons. You can PM me if you want. I know there have been a lot of buffs recently, but they were massively underpowered to begin with.

Of course all those guards in the inn is either a bug or someone playing around with leadership

It's probably the latter: Trib members manipulating spawn + grouping mechanisms to move guards from their original spawns by placing them into groups with other guards, which causes them to spawn back at the original point, where the process can be then repeated. In a few area repops you can turn a few groups of 3 into a handful of warmachines.

Your changes as a builder were probably standard, it's just that there's no hard-coded way (Aside from area limits on NPCs, perhaps that would be the best way to avoid spam spawning of guards) to keep that sort of legal NPC manipulation from happening. I didn't realize that until just recently. Even with that ability, I like what you've done with the place. Zhenshi is actually able to stand up to the legends it bears in the books. I would prefer that there was a way to prevent trib players from being able to create groups of 6+ guards in multiple places throughout the city, though.

Author:  the_me [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nerina's new guards

I have a feeling I know why they are all grouping together like that, something I learned some time ago from a previous leader and haven't really thought about for some time (and will state I do not do myself.). I don't think I will post it public because, as it obviously may be being abused, or I may be wrong and it is some other glitch, I wouldn't want anyone taking advantage of either. I'll send an email to Marfik regarding the issue.

No matter how much I hate people coming in and spam-killing guards when no trib members are around, wouldn't abuse a glitch to try preventing it.

But as for the changes to the Talon, I sure know I'm enjoying the additions! Really needed them to make it a more attractive tribunal to join.

Author:  Marfik (2012) [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nerina's new guards

There should be no new guards spawning to replace those that were summoned. When set up right, the reset system is in fact hard-coded to prevent this, I'm pretty sure. So if I've done my part correctly, there should only be so many of any given NPC that can spawn from a certain area. AFAIK.

If this is happening (?) it is probably because of some mistake I made. If that is the reality of it please let me know, and I will plan to test this out later.

I'm glad that the changes seem otherwise acceptable. The Talon were really something of a joke and I wanted to make them a power on par with the Hand or the Keepers. And of course I will be open to more feedback later on as I'm sure these NPCs will see more use.

Author:  Baldric [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nerina's new guards

The Talon were weak. I'm glad they received some IMM attention. Thank you for your work, Marfik.

Author:  Rodwen [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nerina's new guards

Baldric wrote:
The Talon were weak. I'm glad they received some IMM attention. Thank you for your work, Marfik.

Yes. Samga thanks you greatly!

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nerina's new guards

I'm against these node points where there are massive groupings of guards. It's dumb in Kol's Moot/Moraksdal, and it's dumb anywhere else.

If bounty NPCs weren't annoying enough (and a total drain on the tribunal's coffers at this time) these just add to the problem.

The only thing the Talons were underpowered in were NPCs that granted spells to players. Their spawn points and levels were abysmal.

Author:  Marfik (2012) [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nerina's new guards

Without revealing too many details... There are very few of these groups. And they are the same size as those in Moraksdal, with fewer of them. These large groups seen recently were the result of something else.

And Nerina really was bottom of the barrel, with fewer guards and resources than any other faction before this. That includes spell-holders, normal guards and unique, named NPCs. I don't even think they could make gates before now.

Author:  Neconct [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nerina's new guards

I think that this makes the Keepers most lacking in guards well not in number perhaps but in balancing.

Author:  Magnus [ Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nerina's new guards

I want the room in the inn that has plants to be a nature room! Need a spot to camoflauge! Ibej can't take it much longer! :rant:

Author:  Rennus_Dragonsbane [ Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nerina's new guards

Make an alliance with a specific cabal.

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