Shattered Kingdoms

Idea: Tribunal CRS system
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Author:  Deathadder [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Idea: Tribunal CRS system

As a tribunal I know its the defence of the land, police of the city, what if there were ever a chance that the tribunal actually have to invade another country, it happens alot, but this is usually what happens in the end.

1 I kill such and such. Jloot, if I want( I usually dont)
2 he gets big group kills me, Jloot in return.
3 repeat step 1.
In the end it turns out to be nothing more than a ping pong turny.

So, I have an idea about making a CRS system for the tribunals.
Give said leader of each city a relic as the Cabals do. Not as powerful as an inner guardian, but still strong none the least, hell use the judge for that matter. If tribunal x defeats tribunal y and takes relic, they then have access to controling the law of the country the guards, and the outlaw system, kinda like an invasion and now x controls two countries. So when there is a war, now there is more of a reason to fight, in theory, one tribunal can control the entire law of pyrathia, if they can hold all five relics...

Author:  WiccanDiva [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:43 am ]
Post subject: 

But wouldn't this make it so the victors could just outlaw and banish all of the defending tribunal? Which could make it that much more difficult for the loosing side(s) to get their relic back in the long run.

Author:  Deathadder [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:58 am ]
Post subject: 

I see that flaw and have another proposal, instead of controling the law, disable the home tribs ability to outlaw, and make the controling faction imune to the law like they are in their home city

Author:  WiccanDiva [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

And what about Midnight Council? Being a cabunal, I think could give them a better advantage of taking control of all the other tribunals, though with what you propose, I would presume that you mean they would have a second relic to protect.

Author:  Deathadder [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes they would have two

Author:  TheXbest [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Midnight Council is a EMPIRE. Should be able to control other cities if they willing to do it. I think this is a good idea. And if there is not enough to really defend why not just join the two trib and cabal of each so that there are more members able to defend. This would make the game more fun but it will need some nerfing for Hammer and Crucible. This would also take out the taking relic when no one is able to defend. It would be cool i think.

Author:  WiccanDiva [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think, such a system could be interesting, fun and a benefit to the game. Provided it is fair when dealing with the differences between tribunal and cabunal.

I know there are some saying, well the other tribunals could just ask for help from the other cabals, but that doesn't really balance the playing field either, since Midnight doesn't have to ask anyone for help.

Could also just capture the lands original judge, put them into a special prison in the invader's homeland and replace the judge with one from the invader's land. If this was done, instead of a relic, it could cost the winners a small amount of upkeep per RL week to house and feed the judge.

The loosing side would then have a few options to get their judge back. They could try to purchase it back, the could break it out of jail, or they could hope that eventually the drain on the economy of the winners is enough to relinquish control.

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am not astonished by the amount of stupidity in this thread.

Author:  Deathadder [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

ninja_ardith wrote:
I am not astonished by the amount of stupidity in this thread.

please elaborate, just saying its stupid just makes you look like jerk, now with some intellegence behind your statement, then we may understand why you think its stupid. besides its just an idea, god forbid I try and add a different way to play the game

Author:  Turon [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

The general consensus about CRS is that it sucks.

Your idea is to add more CRS to the game.

The general consensus, then, is that this idea sucks.

You can't put that much control (An entire's nations law control from a relic?) into the player's hands. There's also absolutely no mention anywhere of the added code that this would require, and how unbelievably lousy it would be to be on the losing side of this change.

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