Shattered Kingdoms

New drunk code proposal
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Author:  Muktar [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  New drunk code proposal

I like the whole thing of having a drink or two w/o actually being plastered. Since there is numbers already involved in the drunk code here is a possible suggestion to make it a bit more fun.

Drink lvls:

Mugs of... = 3pts
Wine = 4pts
Shots = 6pts.

Drunkeness meter = con + 5

1/3 of drunkeness = buzzed
You feel slightly buzzed

1/2 of drunkenness = drunk with 50% chance of slurred speech.
You feel drunk and you notice your speech slurring.

3/4 of drunkenness = smashed with 100% chance of slurred speech.
You have a hard time concentrating through the drunkenness

1 of drunkenness = passes out for 1 ic hr. then moves drunkenness to 90%.
You pass out drunk [what you see]
Passes out drunk [what everyone else sees]

You lose pts of drunkenness = Con/5 + 1 pts/2 IC hrs.

Author:  sleeper [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Good idea, not worth the time IMO.


Author:  Malhavoc [ Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Now if you added in combat effects that would rock. Like the ablity to shrug off some dmg. Like a moral bonus to HP. And then downsides like lowered INT CHA and to Hit, bonus to dmg. Bonus vs compulsion.

Author:  Jardek [ Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

You know that a glass of wine = a mug of beer, right? Standardised drinks and all.

It should be mug/glass/shots < bottle as the only indicator of drunkenness.

But that said, I don't think it can happen. You could measure it as wine vs firebreather vs beer, but one standardised drink of each is one standard drink.


Author:  Achernar [ Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not going to happen. I vote for it to stay as it is.

Author:  Muktar [ Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Where you get plastered off of 2 drinks? Or one if you are a delf? Come on, the current code is really stupid. If the values were doubled to the current code, sure.

Author:  DastardlyDevil [ Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not going to happen. I vote for it to stay as it is.

And your vote means....what? :P

Author:  STFU_KTHX [ Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Im human, it takes several shot to make me plastered. Of course I could down about 14 shots in a minute and then start getting [REDACTED] up. Time should be a factor here.

Author:  Muktar [ Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:28 am ]
Post subject: 

STFU_KTHX wrote:
Im human, it takes several shot to make me plastered. Of course I could down about 14 shots in a minute and then start getting [REDACTED] up. Time should be a factor here.

If anyone could take 14shots in a minute, I hope that are dead. If not, they aren't human.

Author:  Khudakh [ Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Muktar wrote:
STFU_KTHX wrote:
Im human, it takes several shot to make me plastered. Of course I could down about 14 shots in a minute and then start getting [REDACTED] up. Time should be a factor here.

If anyone could take 14shots in a minute, I hope that are dead. If not, they aren't human.

I can seriously take about 14 shots in a minute. But then again it's the Scottish in me. I give it to the Irish though. They can drink about as much as a Scottish woman can.

But a new drunk code would be cool but not necessary . If you don't like the current one just hold a drink in your hand and emote taking drinks out of it every so often. Easily solved by a little rp and some elbow grease.

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