Shattered Kingdoms

New Race: Felgrypf
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Author:  Brownpapasito [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  New Race: Felgrypf

I wouldn't mind seeing a playable evil griffon race open up to the player base and I'm curious to see what other people think. I know of at least one location in the game where they are at and could potientally add new conflicts for both light and dark sides.

Author:  Forsooth [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:36 am ]
Post subject: 

This gets asked a lot, and the answer is always no. Felgryfs in our lore are dumb animals, and thus not suited for player characters. Griffons are also part of the evil/good balance, and I don't want light-aura necromancers running around.

I'd like to see more done with felgryfs in a new area, for both RP and tactical reasons. (It's hard to place good griffon equipment, when the only sensible users of it are vulnerable to request.) But that's as far as I can go.

Author:  Brownpapasito [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Forsooth wrote:
This gets asked a lot, and the answer is always no. Felgryfs in our lore are dumb animals, and thus not suited for player characters. Griffons are also part of the evil/good balance, and I don't want light-aura necromancers running around.

I'd like to see more done with felgryfs in a new area, for both RP and tactical reasons. (It's hard to place good griffon equipment, when the only sensible users of it are vulnerable to request.) But that's as far as I can go.

Well with a creation of a Felgrypf's race you would not have light aura griffons playing necromancers...they would be evil. As for these creatures being dumb I have no clue but if they were made by an evil sorceror I'm sure continual trails could produce a smarter version of the Felgrpyf. I've never heard the lore behind them. I'm curious how this would throw off the evil/good balance because at the moment there is one race that is only playable by light aura chars, and that's griffons.

Author:  Sklz711 [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Brownpapasito wrote:
Forsooth wrote:
This gets asked a lot, and the answer is always no. Felgryfs in our lore are dumb animals, and thus not suited for player characters. Griffons are also part of the evil/good balance, and I don't want light-aura necromancers running around.

I'd like to see more done with felgryfs in a new area, for both RP and tactical reasons. (It's hard to place good griffon equipment, when the only sensible users of it are vulnerable to request.) But that's as far as I can go.

Well with a creation of a Felgrypf's race you would not have light aura griffons playing necromancers...they would be evil. As for these creatures being dumb I have no clue but if they were made by an evil sorceror I'm sure continual trails could produce a smarter version of the Felgrpyf. I've never heard the lore behind them. I'm curious how this would throw off the evil/good balance because at the moment there is one race that is only playable by light aura chars, and that's griffons.

And two classes that are dark aura only, compared to one for lighties.

Author:  Forsooth [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:07 am ]
Post subject: 

On the evil-good balance, there are two light-aura races (elf, griffon) for only one dark-aura race (dark-elf). In compensation, there are two dark-aura classes (hellion, necromancer) and only one light-aura class (paladin.)

I'd also add that much of what makes griffons fun to RP is the tension between their altruism and their feral nature. Playing a plain old monster isn't very exciting, and it's hard to see that felgryfs could contribute much more. I think minotaurs we already have can fill the evil man-beast role better.

Author:  Pushing40 [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Playable felgryphs? No, just no.

Griffons, without my help, are hated by some lightie circles and hated by most nature people. So, the lighties who are griffons cannot count on all lighties to help. They can count on otherwise-allied greybies to cause them problems. They are already balanced by the RP already in existence surrounding them.

And as has already been pointed out, the 2-1 lightie-v-darkie races are balanced by the 2-1 darkie-v-lightie classes.

Author:  Bourgeoisique [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sadly, griffons suck and necros are overpowered. But, okay.

Author:  Jardek [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

It will never happen bp. It's been brought up heaps and heaps of times, with a resounding 'no' as the answer.

Edit: also, I would prefer half-orcs or trolls or something for a new evil race.

Author:  The Mighty Fluffball [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Goblins or Kobolds would be better than another big/strong/slow race.

Author:  Achernar [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd be ok with goblin, imp, or kobold. Goblin most.

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