Shattered Kingdoms

How does tame work?
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Author:  Kerrien [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  How does tame work?

How does tame work.
Because of a scout's affinity with the animal world, he has the capacity to
learn the correct way to calm and befriend wild animals. When lucky, a
novice scout may be able to stop an animal's fighting as well as keep it
from attacking others. The veteran scout can actually befriend and train
the animal to be his pet. Obviously, a scout would be considered odd to
attempt to use this skill on anything but animals and any sentient being
may be offended by such an attempt.

I know before you reach veteran you cannot tame animals, however afterwards its very confusing. How do you know if you can tame the actuall animal. I know when the animal gives the "ignores you completly" its either to high for you to tame or it is self aware. However you can spend hours trying to tame something that gives the "is starting to enjoy your company" message but are still unable to tame the blasted thing.

Also if all this talk about once your a "Master" your "complete" does it apply to scouts? Warlocks get their final elemental and necromancer (if I am remembering correctly) get their final undead thing when they hit master, so why are scouts still wandering around training to get the final, pets, skins and herbs?

Author:  Snuffles [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:49 am ]
Post subject: 

When you get the messages "ignores you completely" it means you don't even have a chance to try to tame it since you are too low in level. As for taming other animals, sure it can take a while and it also largely depends on you charisma, I guess it takes patience and a lot of spamming.

Necromancers do not get their final undead at Master, nor are scouts able to tame the "best" animals at Master, they aren't able to skin mithril, find the best herbs. So, no, scouts are not "complete" at master in the strictest form of the word.

Author:  Achernar [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm pretty sure when something ignores you completely its not possible to tame at any level.

Author:  ObjectivistActivist [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Achernar wrote:
I'm pretty sure when something ignores you completely its not possible to tame at any level.

No, it doesn't. It means either it can't be tamed at all, or you're not high enough level to tame it.

If you're high enough level, but don't have the cha (say, if you're a griffon or a giant scout), you get the "Growls at you" echo. It may, *may*, be possible to eventually tame, but usually you can spam tame at it hundreds of times and get nowhere, until it wanders out of the room and vanishes completely.

Author:  ilkaisha [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:05 am ]
Post subject: 

If I'm not mistaken, scouts -can- camo on the beach now.


Author:  Stryfore [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

ilkaisha wrote:
If I'm not mistaken, scouts -can- camo on the beach now.



Author:  WarlordPayne [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:27 am ]
Post subject: 

You can tame animals before veteran.

Author:  Muktar [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:40 am ]
Post subject: 

WarlordPayne wrote:
You can tame animals before veteran.

Kinda. They can't become charmed until vet. You can stop animals attacking you. That is it.

Author:  greencannon [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:41 am ]
Post subject: 

I wouldn't mind if there were still certain animals that couldn't be tamed or skins that couldn't be taken until the scout was Champ or GM, but having to wait till GM to find all of the herbs is ridiculous.

Author:  Kin [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:44 am ]
Post subject: 

I agree. Make all herbs fount at master, and save the skins / pets for GM. [nod]

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