Shattered Kingdoms

Scripted Aggro NPCs
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Author:  Pushing40 [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Scripted Aggro NPCs

First, let me explain this is about NPCs with aggro scripts and not aggro flags.

Could there be a check added to the aggro scripts of these NPCs so the script won't fire when the NPC is already engaged in combat?

What I see currently:

A PC walks into the room.
NPC spits in PC's eye.
NPC attacks PC.
battle spam
A PC walks into the room.
NPC spits in newPC's eye.
NPC attacks newPC.

It would make more sense for that NPC not to engage when it is already engaged. And I didn't place this in the bug forum because it is obviously not a bug but working as coded.

Author:  Thuban(2008) [ Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Do me a favor and bug log any instances you've noticed of this. Assuming there's no IC reason for the NPC in question to behave in such a fashion, it can definitely be considered a bug, and it's one I might already know how to fix [assuming the issue is what I think it is].

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