Shattered Kingdoms

List your top 5 boring areas while levelling
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Author:  Dulrik [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  List your top 5 boring areas while levelling

Please list the top 5 areas that you get the most bored with, yet still consider indispensable, while levelling up your character. We will focus on the top suggestions for tweaks and new quests. Imms want the most bang for their time as well - we'd rather focus on adding quests to the most heavily used areas so that people would see and use them the most.

Edited to be top 5.

Author:  Muktar [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:18 am ]
Post subject: 

All auras: Journeyman - Expert

I know this isn't an area, but I think it is the weakest in terms of leveling. So any areas where you can get more xp via questing in those areas, will help a lot. Bakemono caves could use some quests, Teron would also be a good spot for quests of that level, Morakdal(sp) would also be a good spot.

Author:  Dulrik [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Explaining your reasons is fine, but please be clear about your top choices. I will consider the order you post them to be your level of importance. For instance, in the previous post, I will gather:

1. Bakemono Caves
2. Teron
3. Moraksdal

We won't just do the top 5 areas, it will probably be more like the top 10. If enough people participate, all of the most important areas should get listed.

Author:  Aneira [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:26 am ]
Post subject: 

While I think leveling is boring in general, I'm most bored during low levels before you get spells or good skills. So my choices would be:

Bakemono Caves
Slavarian Caves

EDIT: Added two choices since we get five instead of three now. :P

Author:  WarlordPayne [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:29 am ]
Post subject: 

1- Tlaxcala: since 2/3 of the levelling NPCs were removed you spend most of your time sitting on your [REDACTED] waiting.

2- The Blasted Chancel: great xp but it's just a big pen full of NPCs.

3- Chibunei: same as the Chancel, plus you get to worry about getting caught by someone and reported.

4- Orc Hive

5- Bakemono Caves

Edited to add #'s 4 & 5.

Author:  Oukilis [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Chibunei - The NPCs here are all abundant, but they're all cookie-cutter NPCs. The area lacks any serious character.

Anduras Cloister - The area here is too small to be used for constant leveling because it doesn't respawn much, but the exp gained on the NPCs there is very good.

Vaerlain - I love the exp gain you get here at really low levels by killing the citizens, but I think the only quest here is higher than the status of people using it to level.

Author:  -Johnix- [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:38 am ]
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Any area with slow repop. Morea cave for example.

Author:  allikat [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:51 am ]
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Temple of Murder

Author:  Lakir [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Volators(to slow of a re-pop)
Archery Butts(to slow of a re-pop)
Sprite rangers(to slow of a re-pop)

I only got three, but there seems to be a pattern.

All the other leveling area's are fine. You can't do anything to make leveling less boring other than not make me have to rest while waiting for more things to kill show up.

I'm okay with resting because I'm low on HP/MANA/PE but to make me wait because theres nothing left to kill? And on top of that make me for IMO way to long.

Author:  ObjectivistActivist [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Torrum: Masses of NPCs with charm makes for crappy, time wasting leveling. One already must sit around useless for ten minutes while regening, don't need to add yet more time for being spam charmed. If the exp weren't so good, I'd try to find some way to skip this area.

Chib: As previously stated, plenty of exp, plenty of coin, plenty of NPCs...but no real interesting flavor, and waiting for hours on end after getting reported is beyond a drag.

Anduras: As previously stated, slow repop.

Orc Hives: Slow repop if you can't manage to get past some of the major obstacles to where the majority of NPCs are, and annoying obstacles to boot.

Bakemono caves: Um, yeah. Dull all around.

ToM: Grind grind grind. Press keys. Sleep. Repeat. Throw a few yawns in there.

Narrowing this list down to five choices is all but impossible, however. Grinding on NPCs for hours on end is tedious no matter what level, or where it's done.

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