Shattered Kingdoms

Tame-proof animals
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Author:  Gorvun [ Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Tame-proof animals

Seems like some animals can't be tamed no matter what you do. Now, given some of them are too high lvl to be tamed, but there are others that appear to be within the lvl limit for taming but still won't tame.

I suggest there be some sort of message to let you know that that animal can never be tamed by you, even at GM, something like:

You are too inexperienced to tame this animal.

This message would only pop up after you've already calmed the creature if it happened to be aggro, and were working on making it your own.
This would save many of us a good bit of spamming (me, anyway).

Anything that would point out that the animal can not be tamed would be helpful. And if I'm missing something here, help me out.

Author:  Goldlantern [ Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mm..I KIND of agree, but I'd have to say it's not that important.

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