Shattered Kingdoms

Deep elves and Bolt of Glory
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Author:  whocarez62 [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  Deep elves and Bolt of Glory

I think that the code should be changed so deep elves does not take 4x damage from BoG. Paladins doesn't take 4xDamage from hellfire even though they are lighties + they have healing spells (which hellions doesnt have). This would also make deep-elves a playable race...

Author:  Konrin [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Hellfire also hits EVERYONE. BoG only hits priests, hellions, necros and deep-elves.

Hellfire does that xdamage to centaurs and elves.

Author:  Cyra [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:30 am ]
Post subject: 

There's so much mystery in your post with you ending it with an ellipse.

I don't think any weakness approaches 4x

Author:  Muktar [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:24 am ]
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I think he is talking about BoG hitting a delf hellion/Necro. Even in that case, I don't think its x4 dmg.

Author:  Goldlantern [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:00 am ]
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Wow, there's so much misinformation in this topic that it hurts.

Author:  One Valiant Truth [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:43 pm ]
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I know Ardiths BoG's to my max con GM delf necro with a full suit of MP take like 2/3rds of my life...and he can cast two of them before combat starts...

I for one think it's a bit broken. But then again if I order ten wraiths to bash him before he gets it off...well then it's just a matter of who attacks first. Thats as long as it is only him and me and my wraiths.

In group combat it's just stupidly broken.

Author:  Inzy [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bolt of Glory needs to be looked at.

It ruins PK. All the magical protection in the world, er, Pyrathia, won't save you from BoG. Group PK isn't even worth getting into if your enemy has one paladin in mid rank spamming BoG. I don't think Dulrik or anyone else will fix or address it favorably, but I HATE that spell.

It is EASILY the most broken spell I know. Make it more applicable, and nerf the damage. And it does seem to do like 4x damage. Whoever insists that it does not hasn't been on the receiving end often enough. Two BoG's + delf = GG.

Hell. I may as well play a zombie or skeleton.

Author:  Orac [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:11 pm ]
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I've been wanting a deep-elf rogue for quite a while now but I won't bother to make one because any guardian/keeper with a law NPC or any paladin can utterly destroy him at will.

I'm not saying that the deep-elf weakness vs light shouldn't be utilized, it should be, but there's got to be something to make it worth playing a deep-elf. Don't say RP. RP isn't all that great when you're asking for life from the river over and over.

I'm not saying change BoG, I'm not saying don't either, but deep-elves need some sort of tweak imo. It's bad playing a race that is so desperately pk vulnerable, especially for older players who generally come across valuable items other people will want.

Author:  Kin [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:23 pm ]
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My problem with BoG is it is literally the ULTIMATE spell. Period. There is no escape from it whatsoever cause of the "Gods of light demand you face their champion!" bullcrap. Seriously, what is with that? Generally, the option to run away should never be stripped from a character. Taunt, I can see, don't get me wrong, but a flat out I WIN spell, and yes, that's what BoG is on a darkie, is ridiculous in my opinion. Just because it's against the Paladin's code to never run away doesn't mean they shouldn't have a spell that can make others stay and fight in my opinion.

Edit: Also, it has a relatively quick cast time. Even if it does only work on darkies, the nimbus effect is just wrong for the damage it does.

Author:  Lolth [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

There is a wonderful save in the game called reflex. It may be advisable to start using it if you are having issues with the nimbus of BoG.

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