Shattered Kingdoms |
Symbols on NPCs |
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Author: | Dayamin [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:43 pm ] |
Post subject: | Symbols on NPCs |
With the lack of priests that are about since the playerbase is way down, please give NPCs symbols again, like they used to carry, so [REDACTED] like this doesn't keep happening. The paladins in the Bastion of Light used to carry symbols of Dulrik until someone decided to remove them. Now I have to wait for a less-active priest of Dulrik, which as far as I know only one can create symbols, logs on and gives me a new symbol. So now I can't RP which god I follow because someone wanted some phat lewt and couldn't RP properly for it. And for God's sake remove summon from the only tribunal NPCs that get it, this is cheap bs tactics used and I'm not going to stand for it. If these changes wont be put into affect, I may as well find a different game to play and contribute to. A stout male human council-guard has summoned you! Intersection The octagonal obsidian cobblestone street moves next to a tall, imposing wall, constructed out of two kinds of stone. Darkly verdant corpsefire vines twist and spill from the ash grey ground at the edge of the road nearest the wall. Gray crooks have a few smoking braziers filled with fine incense interspersed between glimmering golden lanterns. A road of poorly-maintained granite cobblestones begins to the east. A full moon hangs in the sky. It's mostly clear, well past freezing, and calm. Obvious exits: n e s A lowly half-elven monk is resting here. A stout male human council-guard is sitting here. An imposing Persuader council-guard is here. A lithe council-guard is here. An imposing Persuader council-guard is here. A grim-faced Clanmarked council-guard is here. A grim-faced Clanmarked council-guard is here. [HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 75%] > You yell 'Guards! Someone is trying to murder me!' xxxx fades into existence. You jump out of the way as xxxx kicks the dirt in front of you! [HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 75%] > xxxx life drain barely touches your chest. xxxx life drain skims your right arm. xxxx life drain barely touches your waist. xxxx ripostes your attack! xxxx life drain skims your left arm. Overall, xxxx is in excellent condition. [HP: 84%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 75%] > xxxx trips you and you go down! Your armor protects you from any falling damage. [HP: 84%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 75%] > flee xxxx life drain skims your waist. xxxxx ripostes your attack! xxxx life drain causes your left arm to warp weirdly. Overall, xxxx is in excellent condition. [HP: 74%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 75%] > xxxx life drain starts to warp your left arm. xxxx life drain skims your chest. xxxx ripostes your attack! xxxx life drain strikes your chest. Overall, xxxx is in excellent condition. [HP: 54%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 74%] > xxxx life drain starts to warp your right arm. xxxx ripostes your attack! xxxx life drain causes your chest to warp weirdly. xxxx ripostes your attack! xxxx painfully distorts your left arm with her unholy energies. Your left arm is BROKEN! Overall, xxxx is in excellent condition. [HP: 36%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 74%] > You run east. West Center Road A stretch of gray granite cobblestones runs east-west here. The road seems less-than-perfectly maintained, as clumps of grass and weeds have sprung up between the cobblestones. Tall, narrow buildings rise up from either side of the road. An official-looking notice has been pasted onto a wall to the north. It's mostly clear, well past freezing, and calm. Obvious exits: n(closed) e s(closed) w A bald male human is here. You have discovered Kol's Moot! You gain some worthwhile experience. Leroos the Knowing says 'Aho! Thdre'r a new face. For a platinum, I'd be willin' to tell you most anything sherd is to know about the Keep and the Moot.' Run away! Run away! [HP: 36%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 73%] > xxxx walks in from the west. [HP: 36%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 73%] > say Uh. You say 'Uh.' [HP: 36%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 73%] > You yell 'Guards! xxxx is trying to murder me!' [HP: 36%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 73%] > Overall, xxxx is in excellent condition. [HP: 36%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 73%] > xxxx trips you and you go down! Your armor protects you from any falling damage. [HP: 36%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 73%] > Your left arm has been severed! A silver bracelet with cyan beads falls off from you. A gold ring with a cyan stone falls off from you. A finely-honed katana falls off from you. xxxx torments you as she BRUTALIZES your left arm with her unholy energies! You punch at xxxx chest, barely wounding her. xxxx has a few scratches. [HP: 30%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 73%] A cold breeze wafts by. It's cold! [HP: 38%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 73%] > xxxx life drain starts to warp your right arm. xxxx life drain causes your chest to warp weirdly. xxxx life drain starts to warp your chest. You punch at xxxx chest, barely wounding her. Overall, xxxx has a few scratches. [HP: 20%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 73%] > xxxx human's life drain skims your waist. You sure are BLEEDING! xxxx life drain starts to warp your chest. You sure are BLEEDING! xxxx human violently contorts your chest with her unholy energies. You sure are BLEEDING! You lose your concentration on bless. You feel less righteous. You lose your concentration on armor. You feel less protected. You lose your concentration on protection. You feel less protected. xxxx violently contorts your chest with her unholy energies. You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided. [HP: 0%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 73%] > You are hurt far too bad for that. [HP: 0%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 73%] > A large wave of unholy energy from xxxx human kills you. You have been KILLED!! [HP: 0%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%] > manifest You eerily manifest your spirit to the living. [HP: 0%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > xxxx gets the symbol of the open gauntlet from a corpse of Dayamin. [HP: 0%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > say Who are you and what are you thinking you're doing? You ask 'Who are you and what are you thinking you're doing?' [HP: 0%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > The day has begun. [HP: 0%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > xxxx says 'It is nothing personal. I simply needed your symbol.' [HP: 0%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > l West Center Road A stretch of gray granite cobblestones runs east-west here. The road seems less-than-perfectly maintained, as clumps of grass and weeds have sprung up between the cobblestones. Tall, narrow buildings rise up from either side of the road. An official-looking notice has been pasted onto a wall to the north. It's clear, well past freezing, and calm. Obvious exits: n(closed) e s(closed) w The corpse of Dayamin is lying here. A steaming pile of Dayamin's entrails is lying here. ( 2) The sliced-off arm of Dayamin is lying here. (Humming) A well-balanced sword with a sharp, slightly curved edge lies here. (Glowing) This ring of gold is set with a colorful stone. A silver bracelet with beads has been dropped here. xxxx is here. A bald male human is here. [HP: 0%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > xxxx says 'I will leave your things at vebjorn, my ssones.' [HP: 0%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > say Are you serious? You ask 'Are you serious?' [HP: 0%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > The wind changes and begins blowing from the east. [HP: 5%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > xxxx says 'Aye.. I would have challeoged you to a fair duel, but your knight forbays it.' [HP: 5%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > say OOC: Those NPCs are NOT supposed to be used for summon ganks... ![]() You say 'OOC: Those NPCs are NOT supposed to be used for summon ganks... ![]() [HP: 5%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > xxxx says 'And then I couldn't find you, so I got impbtient.. The rest of your thiogs will be left untouchec.' [HP: 5%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > The sun rises in the east. [HP: 5%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > The breeze dies away to nothing. [HP: 8%] [ME: 90%] [PE:100%] > xxxx says 'I am usuallx more patient.. A good little girl.. But I am so dreadfully curipus, oh yes.' [HP: 8%] [ME: 90%] [PE:100%] > sayto merc And what would you do with my symbol? You ask to xxxx 'And what would you do with my symbol?' xxxx gets a finely-honed katana. [HP: 8%] [ME: 90%] [PE:100%] > xxxx says 'Open a door.' [HP: 8%] [ME: 90%] [PE:100%] > xxxx says 'What is more important is what the door leads to.' [HP: 8%] [ME: 90%] [PE:100%] > It's cold! [HP: 13%] [ME: 87%] [PE:100%] > xxxx says to xxxx 'Oh yes.. Pretty little toys..' [HP: 13%] [ME: 87%] [PE:100%] > xxxx says to you 'After all.. I am to old to fet away with this outfit.. So I must find anothfr to replace it.' |
Author: | Salandarin [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:50 pm ] |
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This looks like a completely legitimate kill, RP-wise. The summon on those NPCs is, AFAIK, only veteran-level, making them very easy to resist. If you got caught without resisting summons, then again, that's not really their fault. The practical utility provided by having a weak summon available to a tribunal is immense. If you're completely stuck and, for some reason, you absolutely require a symbol, you can always pray. |
Author: | Kin [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:50 pm ] |
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Is there any difference in a PC summoning you than a PC using a NPC to summon you? Not only that, the person in question did leave your things right? A few days ago, I was in Tlaxcala training when someone decided to ambush me 2 on 1. (5 if you include mounts) I figured they were going to, so I decided to get out of there and well, they summoned me and killed me via spam bash. It does suck when someone summons you, even if you have auto summon, but atleast they did not take your armor like they did me. Being killed by a lightie soley for my adamantite armor sucks. Edit: They were also after my symbol as well. |
Author: | Dayamin [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:56 pm ] |
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The point is they're the only tribunal that gets a NPC that can summon, which is extremely unfair as it is and I'm a low level expert with store-bought gear, so it IS hard to resist it. Either way, it's a moot point that it's a cheap tactic for one item and I ended up losing all my gear anyway, because the person left it at stones for other people to pick up, so I wasn't left with anything now was I? And there was a complete lack of RP leading up to this kill and if anyone would like to provide any logs otherwise as to the individual's RPing with me to "obtain" my symbol, I'd really like to see it. Plus, there was lag added to summons in order to make summon ganking less popular/harder, whereas allowing a tribunal NPC to summon allows for no lag for the person summoning, so if you have a high charisma, as is evident by this character, then you can easily follow up with a gank after an RP lacking summon. I'm sorry Salandarin, but your rhetoric doesn't hold a candle to mine. |
Author: | Kin [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:58 pm ] |
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Not true. Talons also have a NPC that can summon. The Gangly priests I believe if I remember correctly. Edit: And you said complete lack of RP? According to IC info, the person in question challenged you several times and you refused or so I heard. |
Author: | Gremlin24 [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:01 pm ] |
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As far as I know, the summon on those NPCs is not only nearly impossible to get to work decently, but it isn't against any rules or regulations. If it is, I'll have all of my people suspend doing so. I searched back and found Fepel complaining about summoning and charming NPCs, and I was told such things were features of our guards by those who preceded me. If summoning PCs or NPC is against what the IMMs intended for the law NPCs, then it would be nice if there was a stickied thread on it in our forum. As far as getting symbols back on NPCs, I wouldn't be against it. Perhaps they should be on high level, harder to kill NPCs in order to still keep their value high. As of right now, getting certain items is simply not possible without PK, cheap or otherwise. |
Author: | Dayamin [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:01 pm ] |
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I was challenged once to one duel by a completely different party who didn't give any motives to their challenge, not by the party who summoned me and killed me. |
Author: | Minette [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:10 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Symbols on NPCs |
On topic of symbols, the change that they were removed from NPCs make very similar comparisons to recalls moved away from cities, and separation of cabals and tribunals. Really need more players. Hopefully future accelerated experience weekends and global roleplay events help in this regard. (edit) |
Author: | theDrifter [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:14 pm ] |
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Wearing a symbol is a benefit, but also a bold statement challenging your enemies. There is no requirement to wear a symbol, so simply not wearing one will allow you to avoid any such encounters with the enemy. |
Author: | Gnimral [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:20 pm ] |
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I think its really low that she summoned you to take your symbol, especially since you're a lowbie, but honestly, it happens. As for the symbols being rare, they did it for a reason. They're suppose to be rare. So that they're more treasured or what not. Anyway, you're playing ANOTHER Dayamin Truth Paladin? |
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