Shattered Kingdoms

Dual Membership ideas (2007)
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Author:  Achernar [ Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Dual Membership ideas (2007)

I'm going to go ahead and resurrect this discussion, because someone else brought it up.

After I had mentioned distributing some of the leader's skills throughout the members of factions and religions in a forum thread, I got to thinking that such an idea might solve dual membership questions. It helps alleviate the problem of serving two leaders by enabling more members actual responsibility. Perhaps leadership obligations could also be distributed amongst faiths in a similar fashion, save the obvious exceptions. Several of these points could be dropped entirely, but most exist to create more options. I see this as a solution to the playergroups with dwindling numbers as well, by allowing each character access to twice as many factions as they currently can see.

    * A recruit of an organization basically gets the skills, the channel, and the flag of being a member.
    * After proving themselves, members may be granted the rank of lieutenant.
    * Lieutenants can perform all tasks that leaders are currently allowed, save punitive measures.
    * Only leaders may uninduct, tarnish, banish, blemish, atone, revoke, and absolve.
    * Leaders of factions are capable of flagging lieutenants.
    * Oathbreaker will apply only to cabals.
    * Tribunals may be joined and left freely, based on a person's citizenship.
    * Lieutenants and recruits may join a tribunal and a cabal.
    * Leaders may only be a member of one faction.
    * A new field will be added to the member list which identifies who inducted which members.
    * Leaving factions hides faction oriented skills instead of setting them to zero.
    *A character may only be a lieutenant in either a cabal or tribunal at any one time.
    * When there is only one flagged leader, the sole leader will have the ability to grant the second leader flag to a lieutenant of their faction.
    *When no flagged leaders remain, the faction has a system of allowing players to promote a leader by secret ballot with more than half the existing members nomination. Failed votes would reset the balloting.

Author:  Lolth [ Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

You probably know better than anyone else that we basically have an IC situation begging for this. The RP is there, but we still lack the resources. I am very supportive of the idea of dual membership. Perhaps this should even be made one of the priorities for 2008.

Author:  Goldlantern [ Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here's what I like, and agree with completely.

* Oathbreaker will apply only to cabals.

* A new field will be added to the member list which identifies who inducted which members.
* Leaving factions hides faction oriented skills instead of setting them to zero.
* Tribunals may be joined and left freely, based on a person's citizenship.
* Lieutenants and recruits may join a tribunal and a cabal.
* Leaders may only be a member of one faction.
*When no flagged leaders remain, the faction has a system of allowing players to promote a leader by secret ballot with more than half the existing members nomination. Failed votes would reset the balloting.

Here's what I'm sketchy on:

* A recruit of an organization basically gets the skills, the channel, and the flag of being a member.
* After proving themselves, members may be granted the rank of lieutenant.
* Lieutenants can perform all tasks that leaders are currently allowed, save punitive measures.
* Only leaders may uninduct, tarnish, banish, blemish, atone, revoke, and absolve.

I don't think a recruit should get the skills or the channel - and I'm not sure about what tasks Lieutenants would be performing. I'd like to see Lieutenants have some of the leader only punitive stuff, but I'd like there to be a similar chart to see who's doing what, when.

Author:  allikat [ Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great sounding idea Achernar, get it in!

Author:  The Mighty Fluffball [ Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like it.


Author:  Achernar [ Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm. I should make a chart of that stuff.

Author:  Dulrik [ Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Goldlantern wrote:
* A recruit of an organization basically gets the skills, the channel, and the flag of being a member.

If you don't grant a recruit access to the skills and channel, what exactly are they supposed to get? This bullet is just reiterating how it works now. I know it's not suggesting you automatically learn the skills.

Author:  Goldlantern [ Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

That automatically bit was what I was hung up on. Nevermind, then.

EDIT: Actually, no - What I was hung up on was the difference between recruit and Lieutenant, which doesn't seem like an awful lot.

Author:  Minette [ Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Goldlantern wrote:
What I was hung up on was the difference between recruit and Lieutenant, which doesn't seem like an awful lot.

It sounds like they can perform inductions and grant paroles/pardons, which are a few of the major functions of leaders in SK. No more waiting for the right person to log on. Delegating responsibilities to more players giving SK factions a more fluid approach to managing memberships. My two cents.

Author:  Goldlantern [ Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mixed thoughts, then. I like it for tribunals, because it's essentially the deputizing thing. I don't like it for cabals.

EDIT: Ahah! Here's a way to explain what I mean. With Achernar's suggested changes, it is very possible to deputize someone (temporarily make them a member), and have them removed from active service with no penalties. No Oathbreaker, nothing. It doesn't work that way for cabals, which is an important difference.

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