Shattered Kingdoms

Idea: Bounties for Banished Criminals
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Author:  Terrus [ Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Idea: Bounties for Banished Criminals

I posted this originally

there but it was off topic and needs its own thread...I think its a beastly idea and I wanna see what everyone else thinks.

I would like to see bounties for the heads of banished criminals. This would be so great for the game I think. Lets say if someone is banished, and it has to be BANISHED. Upon looking at the outlaw list someone could see this, and see a reward for the head of (player) 5 plat reward or whatever. It would promote pvp, it would also be an amazing alley-way of RP for people who have always wanted a real legitimate reason to be a bounty hunter. Imagine countries contracting out bounty hunters, I'm getting giddy just thinking about it. Of course this means when players are killed (if they are banished anywhere) their heads would need to be a 100% chance to severe upon death. Or create a command which would allow you to do the dirty deed yourself after killing them. I'm sure there's plenty of people out there who would just collect heads for RP's sake.

Author:  Sypher [ Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:46 am ]
Post subject: 

That could be coded much like that Hostia skin quest. After you are "contracted" for the kill, basically accepting the quest to kill someone you can use a command or something to severe there head once you kill them. Just like you can use the skin command, to get the skin of that centaur for the quest.

I also think that if this is implemented, turning in someones head for a bounty, should cancel there banishment. As it is right now, Banish lasts permanently unless it's removed, so I don't think it would be fair to have people after your head forever.

Author:  Minette [ Tue Oct 23, 2007 2:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like this idea, brought it up myself. Dulrik's response was, and correct me if I'm wrong, that it would become a novelty thing like the dueling system. It would be fun for so long then not used as much any more.

After some thought, it is probably counter-productive to see everyday SKlings play vigilantes all over the place. However, a coded bounty hunting system would be a great addition for the tribunals! Tribunal members can pursue criminals for justice.

Tribunal leaders could also contract trusted members of the society to do this potentially difficult work for them -- therefore not just anyone can go make the kills and get reward for it, because it could potentially open up to all kinds of abuse.

There is the ever-argument that players can simply 'roleplay' it. Anticipating this argument, roleplaying would only go so far, these features can help. Such as the cabal diplomacy page that is being very useful after implementation.

Finally, a bounty hunting system could go very well with binding + gagging a stunned player for an x duration, and bringing them 'home' alive.

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