Hi, I'm playing a Paladin and was wondering, how come it said I was forced to leave my mount behind yet it never was left behind, in fact it kept following me.
[HP: 72%] [ME: 2%] [PE: 76%]
Hurricane winds make movement difficult.
You ride a midnight-blue atyrros northwest.
You are forced to leave your mount behind.
Snowy Wastelands
White snow and large chunks of ice surround you. You can see
sssssss a few half burned pieces of wood here arranged in a circle as if
sss*sss someone set up a camp and then quickly abandoned it. It's mostly
sssssss clear, well past freezing, and there is a gale blowing.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
A midnight-blue atyrros walks in from southeast.
[HP: 72%] [ME: 2%] [PE: 73%]
You walk southeast.
Snowy Wastelands
You are surrounded by white snow as far as the eye can see.
sssssss It's mostly clear, well past freezing, and there is a gale
sss*sss blowing.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
A midnight-blue atyrros walks in from northwest.
[HP: 72%] [ME: 2%] [PE: 66%]
Snowy Wastelands
You are surrounded by white snow as far as the eye can see.
sssssss It's mostly clear, well past freezing, and there is a gale
sss*sss blowing.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
(Charmed) A midnight-blue pelted creature waits here in seeming anticipation.
[HP: 72%] [ME: 2%] [PE: 66%]