Shattered Kingdoms

Holy vs Unholy
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Author:  Brownpapasito [ Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Holy vs Unholy

There should be a coded difference between the two when it comes to divine spells. I am led to believe that holy spells are all considered the same regardless of the pc's alignment. This comes into play when attacking NPCs that are immune to holy spells and that doesn't bode well with me.

An example would be of whe Kaius, a priest of Sargas, went to Cain Tech and tried to SoF the angels. The angels are immune to SoF because it's considered a holy spell. That doesn't make since to me since his Diety is an unholy immortal, opposite of said angel.

Make divine spells broke up into holy and unholy and have that dependant on the immortal they serve. As for the graybies...I dunno. Have them choose at creation between having holy or unholy spells.

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