I just completed changes to the help file for stance:
Your stance determines how you react to combat. Aggressive combatants
are more likely to hit and will dish out more damage but are also more
likely to be hit themselves and expend more energy when attacking.
Defensive combatants are less likely to be hit and can concentrate on using
their shield for increased effectiveness and leg defense but have a reduced
rate of attack with both weapons and spells.
There haven't been many questions about this so far, but that's probably because you can't read my mind. The problem with the mood system was that you had to be aggressive or defensive, so neither option could offer extreme changes in the way of benefits or drawbacks. Now that there is a neutral stance to fall back on, aggressive and defensive can both be more tactical in nature.
Before you might have set your mood during creation and never changed it again. That is unlikely to be the case now. Fighters who used aggressive before will probably still want to use it now, but they may want to be judicious in using it, especially at earlier levels. Defensive is even more tactical. You will normally only want to use it when you are or expect to be the target of attacks, since it will cause you to both fight and cast slower.
However, in addition to the dodge bonus, defensive stance makes a shield much more potent for everyone who is holding one, regardless of whether or not you have the shield block skill. Your shield will absorb more damage more often and it will have the capability to block leg attacks. People who do have the shield block skill will also block more often. In conjunction with other changes, I also expect this to help defend against ranged attacks.