The Griffon's Tail Pawn
This store is plain and simple. There are several shelves around with
various items upon them. There are also a couple of showcases in the middle
of the floor. There is a sales counter with a few odds and ends. The name
of the store is displayed proudly on a banner above the counter. A sign
hangs on the front of the counter.
Obvious exits: e
( 2) A wooden battle arrow with a sharp obsidian head lies here.
This man stands here, not doing much of anything.
[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
> l banner
The Griffon's Tail Pawn
We buy and sell anything, from lost treasures to the griffon's tail.
Being a Griffon and never seeing that store before in Nerina, I walked in it, expecting it to be some pawn shop runned by, and catering too Griffons.
I started laughing when I read that banner. I'd expect to see something like that in Teron, I'm just wondering if that's really appropriate for Nerina? If that was the first store you walked into as a newbie griffon what would you think of the town? (course you probably wouldn't have known to read the sign... but still)