Is this new, cause I have never heard footsteps while in the wilderness before? Or is there some type of bug issue?
Selkwood Forest
The forest becomes dense here, the gnarled trees looming
FFF high, with branches as thick as the arms of giants, and trunks
f*F large enough to house a family if hollowed. Deep, soft shadows
fpp cloak the woods, and high above the canopy is so dense, it is
impossible to see the sky. A cool wind rustles the oval-shaped
leaves, filling the air with a perpetual, insistent whisper. The ground is
covered with twigs and cones, and strong scents of decaying leaves and moss
permeate the area. It's mostly clear, warm, and there is absolutely no
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
[HP: 76%] [ME: 67%] [PE: 96%]
You hear foot steps nearby.
[HP: 76%] [ME: 67%] [PE: 96%]
> sw
You walk southwest.
Selkwood Forest
Slender trees with a silvery bark grow tall here, their wide
ffF crowns adorned with leaves ranging in hue from pale green to pure
r*p white. Its branches reach upward towards the sky, swaying
rpF gracefully as the wind ruffles them and sends flurries of dry
leaves down to towards the forest floor. In between the trees,
numerous starfalls grow, their silky star-shaped crowns peeking up through
the fallen leaves and grass. It's mostly clear, warm, and there is
absolutely no wind.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
A large green tree stands where a tiny shoot once was.