One Valiant Truth wrote:
I'm so sorry I made the -leetest possible- ranged combo.
Wait, Hammer would have been better..
Either way, the reason this is being bitched about is that I lead the way.
The code has been set for this for atleast a year.
But stop bitching.
Ranged combat is not the best way to go, unless your a scout or a merc.
Mercs -DEDICATE- one entire spec to it and thus should be better than scouts.
Scouts should be more accurate in my opinion.
Besides that...four bow users taking out one person in a round?
Lets, think about that. Four ANYTHING will take out someone in a round.
A lone rogue that backstabs someone and recites a harm scroll till.
It only depends on if they know what they are doing.
My arguement is that -we do know that we are doing-.
Every tactic can work as effectivly, and every tactic including this, can be guarded against.
I whole heartedly agree to Achernars proposal of the Cover command.
That is all.
Okay, I'll admit I didn't really read any of your post. I skimmed it. Why? It's you. It's Qwerty, and reading your posts when nothing is grouped in the slightest hurts my brain.
My rebuttal is as follows.
Yes. Four of anything on one person usually spells death, however please tell me what the counter is other than more ranged combat? That's the problem. Casters? Their HP is so low any hard cast spell isn't going to go off before A: Their concentration is disrupted or B: They are dead. So no spells are hitting those in second row and back. This same thing applies to priests as well, healing themselves and such.
What else is their? Smart ranged combat users are going to be at LEAST second row, which means you're going to require at least a reach weapon, however since the initial weapon changes weapons with reach are almost universally inferior. Throwing that out, it still requires their use, and it's completely negated by being in the third rank.
What does that leave really? Scrolls? Wands? Staves?. There is a limit on the art involved with these for a good reason, that also goes a long way to making it easy for a half-assed enchanted suit to stop these. Then again, the only ones that are going to have a high enough spell level to be worth anything have to found in the game and can't easily or reliably be made by the casters themselves.
So what's the counter again?
At the present moment, countering ranged combat can only reliably be done by ranged combat. That's not only extremely limiting to the combat in the game, but pretty damned silly as well.