Show me up then. I didn't want to take up alot of space but here it goes.
Hammer vs MC:
Two sets of Knights that are both honourable and miltaristic. The Taslamaran Army (read HAMMER) defends a nation of escaped slaves of the Empire of the Bright Star (read MC). They have military actions and are less secretive or magic oriented as others.
Adepts vs Druids:
This is undeniable, if you have every played a Druid or an Adept you know this. Adepts are there to corrupt/destroy the world. Druids are there to maintain the balance of nature, and to ensure that no one destroys the world. Both factions use deep arcane magic rather than military force. They ae much more secretive.
Fists vs Harliequins
Order vs Chaos, it can't be any simpler. You can't wage war with a group that is supposed to be complete chaos, and you can't wage war with a group of pacifistic monks. Traditionally that is the way they were. Neigther group actually warred with each other, but they were enemies none the less. Just as the Zavija and Mira religions had the Wixlax would these two factions fight.
And by the way, Hammer are not the most lighty cabal. They would torture someone for information while the Fist would not.
If you want to line up MAIN enemies than go ahead. I said the Talon are lighty. If you want to start a fight over how it's more unbalanced...alright, lets [REDACTED] throw down.
MC vs Hammer, Talon, Peacekeeper, Fist, Guardians (and then the wild cards Harlies, Adepts, CoN, and Druids)
Adepts vs Hammer, Talon, Peacekeeper, Fist, Guardians, Druids (and then the wild cards Harlies and MC)
CoN vs Hammer, Talon, Peacekeepers, Fist, Guardians, Druids (and wild cards Harlies and MC)
Harlies vs everyones wild card with chaos
Druids vs Adepts, CoN (with wild cards the rest of the way around)
Hammer vs MC, Adepts, CoN
Fist vs MC, Adepts, CoN
Guardians vs MC, Adepts, CoN
Peacekeepers vs MC, Adepts, CoN
Talon vs MC, Adepts, CoN
Basically 6 vs 3 your opinion now.