silmar wrote:
Fight weaker NPCs on mod stun. Give them a dagger works with all the NPCs I have tried. Still takes for ever but they miss often enough due to low level + wielding a weapon = riposte training.
So you agree that it still would take you a long time to master a skill like riposte by giving NPCs daggers. The swordsman can't even bother to see where he's making his mistakes.
My point of a balancing factor is a weak one but it is still there. The races with a higher max int are physically weaker. How ever their increase speed to train skills makes them sightly more viable choice for the player who doesnt want to waste hundreds of hours training a skill (they might only waste a hundred rather than hundreds).
What? You're saying wasting at least 100 hours training weapon skills? Who wants to waste 100 hours grinding on NPCs for random improvements in their weapon skills? This is exactly what compounds the issue. A player is most likely just going to pick 1 or 2 weapon classes out of all of them, probably sword and spear to bother mastering, because there just isn't enough incentive to work with the others. You have to
waste time grinding on NPCs instead of being able to improve through usage.
How ever I would also point out these speeds of skill training carry over from when you would spend these hundreds of hours grinding for XP as well. I would like to see their chance of improve increased but I have seen how massive a change making them check on failure is. Having being a member of a cabal when a similar skill to the ones mentioned was changed as suggested. It went from one improve a if I was lucky every hour of NPC fight spamming to V good to Mastered in a few hours after the change. I know it even better because my skills where reset more than once with that char due to a few different reasons. Double the current rate would be a significant change with out taking the idea of someone training to be better completely out of the game. There still should be some reward for a bit of dedication to your skills same as there is for dedication to enchanting. Also We do not want to make skill training too quick because it will encourage people to move quicker from one char to the next.
A player that wants to level isn't going to pick up a weapon that they have less ability in because they'll do less damage, and hit less frequently, thereby making them level more slowly. If you're leveling in a group that's pretty much just
giving the xps to other members because you're probably not doing as much damage as them. There's really no incentive to try and master another weapon class while leveling when it slows down your xp gain rate.
The rest of your arguments are just absurd. It's more difficult for races with lower int? We're not talking races here, we're talking classes. You completely miss the mark. Even more so because the races with lower int are going to master weapon classes slower than races with high int. This isn't even a viable discussion when there are spells like giant strength and haste that exist.
They're still not going to bother with other weapon types though because the incentive on trying to master them to use them out in PK or elsewhere just isn't there.
While this hurts the barbarian and mercenary classes the hardest because of their huge list of weapon classes, it also hurts other classes to a lesser extent, such as paladin, hellion and scout.
In short I agree something should be done but what you are asking for is far to much remember there are lots of little factors in the game that are not often explored but are still there.
How is it far too much? The ambiguity and
mystery in your statement lead me to believe that you didn't even put much time into thinking that through.
This is a game, it should be fun, and we shouldn't have to surrender to mind-numbingly boring things like grinding on NPCs for improvements in weapon classes and other skills when we could be doing other things like roleplaying and obliterating our enemies.