Shattered Kingdoms

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 Post subject: Auto Attack
PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:05 am 
Okay, I remember this was at least discussed in the past. Unfortunately Im one of those posters that dont check other recent threads before posting, which is why many of my threads get locked, but eh well :P

Basicly my question is this. Since shooting after some point became split to auto-fire and to single shots, couldnt melee be turned into something like this as well? My reasoning is this: Perhaps your character does not want to fight back. Perhaps he just wants to defend himself, and not strike back. Sure, you can turn auto assist off and not engage an attack your friend starts, but if you are at any one point attacked, you are stuck fighting until you somehow disengage by failing to reach the oposing group, or them being all dead.

So I have two suggestions which I think would be a nice addition, though the first one is probably far too complicated to code and thus not worth the fuss.

A) Split attacking into auto-attack and into single attack. This way if you want to just punch someone in the face for being an [REDACTED] you can just do so, and if he isnt auto-attacking either he should not strike back.

B) Insert a 'full defense' mood that will boost your defense a bit more but in return you will not be able to cast spells, attack, or use offensive skills while youre in combat.

Thoughts? (Dont flame me too much :/)

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