Shattered Kingdoms

Making death mean nothing
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Author:  Jardek [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Making death mean nothing

I think death means too much. I mean, is this what we really want? No. I don't know about you, but I want to be able to pile my corpses up outside the walls of Losache keep until I can climb them and jump inside.

Therefore, I suggest removing all penalties associated with death. Every class should receive resurrect, not as a spell, but as a command that can be used on themselves. Failing that, I think that death should be removed altogether, so that we can all experience the fun that it must be to be immortal!

Also, I don't think that characters should lose the 'outfit' command as they level. Instead, it should grow more powerful, like other skills and spells. When I'm GM and I type outfit, I want to immediately get spelled up and scripted adamantite gear if I'm a fighter, or whatever gear those lame classes that can't use heavy armor are forced to settle for.

Also, I think that there should be a 'puppet' command, where you stick your hand inside a corpse in your possession, and start to use it as a puppet.

Author:  Cyra [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Making death mean nothing

Jardek wrote:
I think death means too much. I mean, is this what we really want? No. I don't know about you, but I want to be able to pile my corpses up outside the walls of Losache keep until I can climb them and jump inside.

Are you nuts? The ability to pile your corpses outside of Losache would be completely overpowered. I can't believe you're even suggesting it.

Therefore, I suggest removing all penalties associated with death. Every class should receive resurrect, not as a spell, but as a command that can be used on themselves. Failing that, I think that death should be removed altogether, so that we can all experience the fun that it must be to be immortal!

Such a good suggestion. This should see implementation. I don't know why Dulrik & company haven't had the foresight to add this command in the game already.

Also, I don't think that characters should lose the 'outfit' command as they level. Instead, it should grow more powerful, like other skills and spells. When I'm GM and I type outfit, I want to immediately get spelled up and scripted adamantite gear if I'm a fighter, or whatever gear those lame classes that can't use heavy armor are forced to settle for.

Very good. That should see implementation as well. You should also be able to modify the enchantments on any gear to your liking.

Also, I think that there should be a 'puppet' command, where you stick your hand inside a corpse in your possession, and start to use it as a puppet.

This might actually be overpowered.

Author:  Jardek [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh, god damnit. I was going to say that I overpowered your mother, but then I realised I posted this in gameplay.

Author:  theDrifter [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't understand why it took so long for someone to finally suggest this. I played wow for two years and if I died I had to run allll the way back to my body from the graveyard to get resurrected immediately with all my gear and experiences in tact. They fixed this a few times by adding more graveyards so I didn't have to spend so much time running.

If I didn't want to, or couldn't get back to my body for some reason I could just ask the friendly spirit healer that is at every grave yard to bring me back, but then my gear would get damaged a little and I would get ressickness for 10 entire minutes.

They should put a graveyard in every zone based on the XP zones so when you go somewhere to level you can get rezzed in the same area so you don't have to waste more time moving places. Just make PC corpses unopenable containers that can't be butchered or skinned and never decay and have ghosts auto-rez when they are in the same room as the body.

put an npc healer at every graveyard that will cast resurrection on the person if they ask for it and transfer their corpse with all their gear, but penalize them by damaging it all a little!! (don't break anything though)

Author:  Syndal [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay, I know Jardek and Ardith are joking, but I think Drifter is serious. :-?

Author:  Jardek [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

What? JOKING?! I was most certainly not joking. I was being serious.


^This is my serious face.

Author:  Fepel Veiled [ Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Indeed, quite the serious face.

As for syntax, for the outfit command, after you get to master you should be able to tailor it to your desires... Since by master you shouldn't need to level anymore, or I believe that was D's words.

outfit {material type} {Primary} {Secondary} {Tertiary}

Material types allowed would be all of those under help armor2; however, once you get to GM status you can also add in supernatural for the cost of one spirit disorientation. Since the code is there for that we need to keep it in use, don't we? The primary, secondary and tertiary are for what types of enchantments you want on your suit. If none are listed it will be purely randomized, and if you only put a primary, or a primary and secondary, the points per piece will be distributed in a 100% or 66%/33%, or a 50%, 30%, 20%.

You start with a base of three, and for each level after Master, you get another tick of enchantments, so once you hit GM you'll have your base (3), and 9 other points for a total of 12 enchantments on each piece. For example at GM `outfit adamantite MP` would get you a full suit of adamantite head to toe with +12 MP on each piece.

This of course is a way to pay the players back for dealing with death for such a long time.

Again, you can call upon supernatural coverings as well, but you must endure the effects of spirit disorientation for one hour minus your level. So GMs, being superior to lower level peons, only experience this distress for about ten minutes IRL.

I am Ghent Atirum, and I approve this idea.

Author:  theDrifter [ Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Also, if we lose something due to a bug, crash, accidentally sell it and forget about it, we should be able to petition the immortals to have it restored. But please try to do better than the WoW GMs, this guy lost over 150g worth of potions but they couldn't verify it so he had to farm more!!!!! Also this should apply if you accidentally junk something or if you accidentally delete your character. (or if you do it on purpose but change your mind)

Petition: Missing several items, moslty potions.

Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department and for bringing this matter to our attention.

Unfortunately, we were unable to verify the loss you have reported and will be unable to provide the restoration you have requested. Please remember that restoration is not always guaranteed. While we make every effort to verify your loss there are times where restoration is not possible. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have been caused.

For further information please check our Restoration Policy located at (

Thank you again for contacting us. We hope you continue to enjoy your experience in World of Warcraft!

Author:  Pushing40 [ Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Certain aspects of this idea are totally uncalled-for. I really don't understand why you want people to actually have to endure the levelling process at all. It should actually be:

>What's your name?
>What's your race?
>You are outfitted in supernatural gear by your servants.
>You enter Pyrathia.
>You have learned all the skills and incantations known to the gods and have become impervious to injury.

Author:  teh1337n00b [ Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:25 am ]
Post subject: 

I would like to see the above, PLUS make the "advance" immortal command available to players.

Creating a GM from scratch upon creation halls is not funny.

But you should most definately be able to type "advance" playername and superuser gain a level. This way you can play at 11, 21, 36, 46 and then reach 50 at your own digression. :lol: :lol:

The command is there, available for Immortals with security level high enough to use it. Unlock it for players ok?

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