Shattered Kingdoms |
Necros v Warlocks: Pet capable? |
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Author: | archaicsmurf [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:32 am ] |
Post subject: | Necros v Warlocks: Pet capable? |
Just something I noticed: Necromancers often in the game bring with them an armada of undeath, and thrown somewhere into the mix is a 'magma mephit or other misc. pet. The undeath are, however, not considered pets. Warlocks, -usually- carry around an elemental, for the most part less leathal than a group of seven wights, a necromancer, and a pet. However, elementals ARE considered pets? And this debilitates a warlock from having both an elemental and pet because, if while in the attempt to purchase one, you recieve a blunt decline because a pet is already within your command. In my eyes, if Necromancers are free to animate forty wights and employ a pet, why cant warlocks conjure a single elemental and buy a pet? Perhaps i'm missing something.. enlightenment or reasoning please? |
Author: | josephusmaximus3 [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:23 am ] |
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Can you buy the mephit then canjure an elemental? |
Author: | Forsooth [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:07 pm ] |
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My understanding is that this was a balance decision, to keep warlocks from being too protected in the back row. Elementals tank much better than undead, and warlocks have better defensive spells than necromancers. If a pet allowed warlocks to take the third row, they'd be even tougher to kill. |
Author: | Dark-Avenger [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:10 pm ] |
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Warlocks get things like ironguard, resist elements and most important of all stone skin. They also get mithril armor, which is unlimited in SK in the form of mithril skins. Necros now may get all these, but all their pets are vulnurable to many things, have way less XP than an elemental and have several other disadvantages that I won't tell them all here compared to elementals. Warlocks are fine. |
Author: | MrPerson13 [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:24 pm ] |
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This was changed back in the day to make it so a warlock couldn't be immune to backstab, if I remember right. |
Author: | TheCannibal [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:30 pm ] |
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Because warlocks are insanely powerful already. If you need an extra pet to be a decent warlock, you should consider deletion. |
Author: | Muktar [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:38 pm ] |
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After GMing a Warlock and played him quite a bit, Warlock's don't need the ability of a second pet. When I played Acirin. I already solo raided towns. If I had a second pet. I would be damn near unstoppable. |
Author: | juggernaut [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:51 pm ] |
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You are all either not well in your minds, or awfully stubborn (or simply kidding). A necro with 3451354 zombies and wraith can tank worse than a warlock? Oh, fine, let's just have the warlock TOTALY vulnerable until he reaches the specific area in TERON to buy his mephit, and not allow him to have them both. This is plain stupid indeed. I wish it changed. |
Author: | Muktar [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:33 pm ] |
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Juggs, I did not say that the two were balanced. I just said from a Warlock can walk through almost any town (Krychire being the sole exception). Now, is the two classes balanced? Yes. For the most part an elemental can tank well enough for a ele. An ele has much more power magic than a necro. A necro's power is in their ability to have multiple undead minions. The classes are balanced. Yes, juggs. For the most part multiple undead tank better than an elemental. |
Author: | Im2old4u [ Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:20 am ] |
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juggernaut wrote: You are all either not well in your minds, or awfully stubborn (or simply kidding). A necro with 3451354 zombies and wraith can tank worse than a warlock? Oh, fine, let's just have the warlock TOTALY vulnerable until he reaches the specific area in TERON to buy his mephit, and not allow him to have them both.
This is plain stupid indeed. I wish it changed. No matter how many undead you have, only 2 will be standing infont of you and if your opponent knows what he is doing, you might begin getting hit after the first round. |
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