I haven't gotten to test out this change at all yet, and probably won't for a little while, but I do find it interesting. There's a few things I think really would be better dealt with immediately. I like a lot of things about it, I like that stat mods can, to a point, be enchanted, and I like that enchantments can be targeted. I also like how it preserves the strength of innate enchantments as it relates to stat mods. I like the ability to be able to enchant weaponry in three different ways. I absolutely love that enchantments can finally be targeted. However, this post naturally is only concerned with the problems I see with it, even though in principal I like a lot of ideas about it.
First, if art is going to affect enchanting success, then sorcs and priests should be able to re-spend their stat points. All of them. A lot of players roll characters with the intention of keeping them around for a long time, and many sorcs/priests who are years old IRL will be much less useful for enchanting than a character that was rolled last week and maxed art. Personally, however, I'd rather that art didn't weigh into enchanting. That seems very unnecessary.
Secondly, the other big problem is the fact that armor can't be enchanted for saves now, and enchanted saves even on jewelry don't stack. This means that obtaining any save over 20 is going to be next to impossible unless you find armor that carries the enchantment innately: And since from now on sorcs are always going to have max art for enchanting, that means your saves AND magical damage reduction are going to be in the tank compared to what they used to be. Sure, I realize that impairment has been lessened, but even without impairment that makes warlocks, sorcerers and anyone with a petrification scroll an absolute murdering machine.
Dulrik wrote:
I think you'll find that there is still going to be quite a lot of thought and effort put into acquiring and enchanting an elite suit. Probably even more thought than before and perhaps as much effort too, although that effort will no longer be sitting for hours spamming the enchant spell until you hit three cherries on the enchant slot machine. It will be on acquiring gear that is correct for your needs to start with and then placing the right cherries on top.
And then junking it and waiting for 20 more minutes every time it fades, which brings me to my last point.
The biggest problem is that it the timesink required for enchanting hasn't changed: It's just offset it onto waiting for repops. As things stand now, the only armor or jewelry that is worth enchanting comes with an innate stat mod or save, meaning that as soon as said item fades it's absolutely worthless. Everyone's just going to be sitting around waiting for repops now, and/or the best armor is now on summonable NPCs. This change actually made it even more frustrating to get higher level armor that actually takes time and effort to gather.
I'd like to see some of a few things. First, I'd like to see either A) see art not matter for enchanting or B) all existing sorcs and priests get a free stat reallocation if they wish. Existing sorcs and priests shouldn't have to reincarnate to level 22 and then relevel just to get the chance to max art if they want to. Otherwise you're just punishing people for playing longstanding characters.
Secondly, I'd like to see that saves can be placed on armor, and/or that even enhancement saves (fort/will/reflex) should be stackable. It's crazy to think that it's impossible now to get over 20 in a single save without having at least 16 enchantments for that save to come from innate enchantments that are immediately lost if an item is faded. The game did not need a bigger push towards sitting around waiting for repops, which is exactly what this change seems to have done.
As a final note, I'm slightly worried about the potential success rate of enchanting versus what's really required now. Now there's a totally new enchantment type placed in the game for people who need physical protection along with protection from spells, yet I would surmise that enchanting success, in general, has been lowered. This seems like a really big hit to players who need to be protected both from spells and from physical damage, namely, melee characters. I'm almost certain that melee characters have been totally shafted from this change for the variety of reasons I've listed.
Of course, except for MR barbs.