Ahh yeah, I knew it was one of the two, I haven't looked at the log yet. That's still what I've been trying to say though, our NPCs do rather horrendous damage. I mean you're a sprite and weak to blunt damage, which is what fist fighting is, and even when she did manage to hit you, which wasn't often, the damage seemed negligible. They have to have their beefy HP to make up for the fact that they can't damage anything to save their life, nor can the shield block or parry any incomming attacks.
The guardians have alot of utility NPCs, but they only really have two (possibly three which I'm planning to test out in PK sometime soon) NPCs viable for PK. And the elemental compares the same as your three barb NPCs from the CoN, but has energy hide and isn't affected by level 35? and under NPCs/weapons. I'd much rather have the three to the one not affected by low level NPCs/weapons.
How is that any different from the CoN? We basically have 3 NPCs which are viable for PK. The rest like the sorcerors are just utility NPCs. As to which you'd prefer, it's really a matter of preference I suppose, so I'm not going to argue it. Being unaffected by weapons under level 35 is a huge bonus though. Not to mention, the air elementals attacks are not physical damage, and thus not negated naturally by armor, just MP. [/quote]