Achernar wrote:
On the other hand, the penalize command doesn't really deter those people who are the pk elite, because they generally wont have any difficulty regaining any amount of lost experience.
I'd recommend something more lasting than loss of experience. How about a permanent GM-level curse effect, like the spell? This has the advantage that its main penalty (stopping recall) is identical to blemishment. The curse could be automatically terminated by getting an RP-reward from an immortal.
I'd note this is still very mild compared to the penalties of Carrion Fields. But with a lighter punishment, there needn't be quite so many qualms about using it.
I don't advertise when I punish people.
For deterrence value, maybe you should advertise a little. Not names, but posting that the immortals have given out X curses this month would help demonstrate enforcement exists.
Where do we draw the line? I'm certain I've wanted to punish people for breaches of alignment in the past, but found some justification.
I'm not claiming RP-enforcement is easy, only that it's needed. If you think a mistake is an honest one, or if you're really not sure it's a mistake, given the character's role, by all means be gentle. But the help files should not be stretched to breaking - as in the attempted justification of principled characters killing greys for gear.
Should that be the norm, that you are penalized both OOCly and ICly? I'm fine with that, but it seems almost like double jeopardy to me.
The problem is that high priests aren't interested in OOC justice. They're interested in IC actions based on their IC perceptions. They make a poor solution to RP enforcement. Their real role is to handle behavior that is both deviant AND IC. I wouldn't suggest bringing a HP into the picture, but if he happens to find out, it's all IC on his part.