Sargas wrote:
The reason why you see less darkies in Ayamao has to do more with proximity to a traditional "darkie" area than anything else.
That doesn't make any sense at all. People do not roll darkies in Zhenshi because it's next to the Empire just like they don't roll darkies in Taslamar because it borders the Wastes.
ObjectivistActivist wrote:
I think the shadowy griffon presence he's talking about is know, entire tribe/colony of griffons that lives northwest of the capitol.
Erik wrote:
Zhenshi gets a light-grey tribunal, a lightie cabal, a pretty much hidden griffon cave and the Bastion, which is so out of the way it barely counts.
Keep up the good work.
presence in Zhenshi is shadowy because up until Sargas was forced to fix Nerina, there were all of two, maybe three griffon NPCs in the city and one of them was never visible. There are far more centaurs and dwarves than griffons at any time. Bounty NPCs are not exactly NPCs you can bump into as you wander around the city unless you are banished. Compare all that with the presence of elves in Sith'a'niel which was my original point. Elves = visible, griffons = supporting actors at best with most other NPCs grey. Presence is different than association.
Dralan wrote:
Erik, the point you are missing in all this entire mess is not that Zhensh can't be grey. It's the point of "The leader is a WHITE AURA person, acting very grey, leaning dark." Dulrik has also said he doesn't care how they are aligned in the White-Black spectrum, so much as the leader roleplays to their alignment.
The leader was "acting very grey, leaning dark" because he didn't pardon law-breakers that attack random characters while having no alliance with his tribunal? Was it because despite being online at the time, they didn't even ask for his permission to engage? Was it because one of those attackers was intentionally obnoxious and rude all the while expecting to get a pardon? Or was it because the lightie was
someone's mortal that was so pissed off when his parole was revoked that he quit and logged back in three minutes with
something else to fix the situation? Take your pick.
If a lightie's aim is to keep the peace and he has one darkie
getting attacked that promises to avoid trouble making or his
parole will be revoked, and an
attacking lightie that not only insults the one who is supposed to pardon him (whine whine you are never around, moan moan you are too old to lead give -my buddy- a chance, weep weep you are useless and you never kill anyone while I'm the king of murder) but also makes clear that he will break the law whenever he wants, well then the decision is obvious. If aura supersedes extremely bad conduct, then I can name quite a few lighties that are "acting very grey, leaning dark".