Thuban wrote:
TacoRobot wrote:
Rogues need more PvE options, not PvP, IMO.
Would you say rogues are good enough in PvP, then? What types of PvE options would make them more versatile and balanced? Are there any utility skills they could get that would help in both? I have considered some defensive skills that could make them useful to have in a group, such as:
It's really hard to weigh a rogue's PvP ability. Strictly speaking, on paper, without looking at factors beyond their skillset, they're actually pretty good. Backstab can and will one shot people, including adventurer classes. Circle stab can easily do 30-50%+ of a squishy's health. A backstab and couple circles can even kill warriors in the span of what, 3 rounds?
In a perfect world, where equal sized groups were meeting to PK somewhere like Teron, rogues would IMO be fairly good, since you could potentially be getting off backstabs to start fights, etc.
The thing is that never happens, you're fighting in cities with guards, bounty NPCs are spawning every time you move, people are shooting ranged weapons, and you basically won't ever get to use backstab. In practice, once a rogue is outlawed in your kingdom, you basically never have to worry about them killing you, ever again.
Nevermind if somebody put a pet/guard/whatever behind them. People can also get stone skin fairly easy. Warlocks can brew it, there are wands and staves and scripts of it, and this basically neuters a Rogue's entire skillset unless they have one of the very few energy material w/ magic damage backstab weapons in the game. Then even if you do have one of those, you have to worry about if it's a type of magic damage your target is resistant to. And hope it's one of the 2-handed backstab weapons. Also hope your target isn't spamming 'c cause light self' once every 2 minutes or something similar to keep their pulse racing (maybe this was fixed while I was away?). Etc etc, and the issues from the other paragraph.
Basically, the stars have to align for a rogue to get to use their main 2 abilities (backstab, circlestab) to any real degree of effectiveness.
The closest in-game comparison I can think of, is to Hellions with Cleave. Cleave is amazing and has the potential to one-shot a target. But a hellion has a multitude of options for other things to be doing in combat to make themselves useful besides hoping to get off a cleave. Rogue is....backstab, circle, maybe hamstring. Occasionally throw in a recite, I guess? But a Hellion is still hitting things with a halberd/etc while casting. A rogue is generally not in melee range to be getting hits, and any time spent reciting is time not circlestabbing the pets/etc in the back row. 'But but! You just said circlestab is borderline useless!' It really is, but...reciting isn't all that much better of an option for them. And if you were going to do that, you could be a bard/mage.
Rogues are a "loner" class in terms of what they can do and the sort of PvP fights they should be engaging in, but they have nowhere near the capabilities of the other "loner" classes, such as Necro/Sorc/etc.
Rogues are very scary. When you have no reason to expect them to want to kill you.
For years and years, the only type of rogue that's really done anything is <insert specific cabal> rogues, because it removes one of their most glaring weaknesses, the fact that they're basically impotent once outlawed anywhere. It makes them giant one-trick ponies, though. I can't think of any other cabal/class that has been so closely linked aside from maybe Warlock/<insert other cabal>.
TL;DR it's hard to balance rogues, because actually getting hit with backstab/circlestab does in fact hurt like hell, but how often will you ever get hit with them? And it's also p.much all they have in their kit. The scroll skill is there, but IMO not terribly effective on them.
Divert would definitely be a good idea for them, IMO. Evade would be nice. Both would, IMO, be a great start to making a rogue more than just a liability in PvE. Don't have time to worry about rogue in your group dying when literally everyone else who is being hit by fireballs/breath/etc is probably more important.